James Picton
James Picton
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"That's what I love about Storyline! It provides enough flexibility to use different approaches to achieve the same end, whilst catering f..."
  • 10 years ago05/26/14 at 8:45 pm (UTC)
"Hi Paula Totally agree with Rebecca, looking at your slide would be the easiest solution as both suggestions 'should' work. To make thi..."
  • 10 years ago05/26/14 at 7:59 pm (UTC)
"Hi Paula Try this: When: change to 'Timeline Starts' On: This will change to Object - set this to your slide Show conditions: Add co..."
  • 10 years ago05/25/14 at 6:13 pm (UTC)
James Picton replied to the discussion Storyline memory hog issues...
"G'day all! I've been using Storyline for a long time and I regularly construct large courses all, until now, without issue. For example, ..."
  • 10 years ago05/15/14 at 4:37 pm (UTC)
James Picton replied to the discussion Best Practices?
"G'day guys The last Storyline that I built was composed of ten individual scenes and around 270 slides. Many of the slides held with cus..."
  • 10 years ago05/13/14 at 9:21 pm (UTC)
James Picton replied to the discussion Sharp/Crisp Screen Captures
"G'day everyone Whilst we're talking image editing - has anybody else tried the free online PhotoShop clone PIXLR? If not, give it a go -..."
  • 10 years ago05/13/14 at 4:22 pm (UTC)
"G'day fellow Storyliners! An easier way to achieve the same result is to simply create a 'hover' and 'down' state for the image that you ..."
  • over 10 years ago04/14/14 at 6:46 pm (UTC)
James Picton replied to the discussion Prev button issue
"Once again, many thanks Ashley   I've said this before, but Articulate support is by far the finest of any piece of software that I've ..."
  • over 10 years ago04/10/14 at 2:56 pm (UTC)
James Picton replied to the discussion Prev button issue
"Just re-read your previous post, Ashley! I attempted to submit a feature request through Chrome and IE, but both times the form submissio..."
  • over 10 years ago04/10/14 at 5:46 am (UTC)
James Picton replied to the discussion Prev button issue
"Hi Ashley, Completely understand the logic and yes, it makes perfect sense. However in my case, this is what is occurring .... Firstly, I..."
  • over 10 years ago04/10/14 at 5:27 am (UTC)
"Agreed. This is a pain. If a user completes the course, by previously pressing Next/Submit (whatever you may have setup as a trigger) an..."
  • over 10 years ago04/08/14 at 9:26 pm (UTC)
James Picton replied to the discussion Prev button issue
"Agreed. This is a pain. If a user completes the course, by previously pressing Next/Submit (whatever you may have setup as a trigger) an..."
  • over 10 years ago04/08/14 at 9:17 pm (UTC)
James Picton replied to the discussion Exit Confirmation Prompt
"No probs, Ashley, I'll raise one for both issues. Cheers, Jim"
  • over 10 years ago03/11/14 at 5:47 pm (UTC)
James Picton replied to the discussion Exit Confirmation Prompt
"Hi All, Just pondering this same issue and wholeheartedly agree that a confirmation on exit feature needs to be added. It's expected func..."
  • over 10 years ago03/10/14 at 11:15 pm (UTC)
"Unfortunately, due to the nature of the content I can't supply the original, but will try and reproduce this issue in an empty template. ..."
  • over 10 years ago12/16/13 at 1:05 pm (UTC)
"Thanks, Ashley. The Articulate tech said that he wasn't able to reproduce the fault with the 'Title' tickbox, even though myself and Den..."
  • over 10 years ago12/16/13 at 12:55 pm (UTC)
James Picton replied to the discussion Slide counter for non-linear navigation
"I'm also very interested if anybody has come up with a workable way (i.e. simpler than numbering each screen!!) to introduce a variable-b..."
  • over 10 years ago12/15/13 at 8:10 pm (UTC)
"Ah....so you believe this may be an issue related to cannabilizing an existing slide master, Dennis? I basically deleted all of the layou..."
  • over 10 years ago12/15/13 at 3:56 pm (UTC)
"Hi Ashley Many thanks! What you'll also find is that on occasion, when switching these layouts the UNDO functionality won't work either...."
  • over 10 years ago12/15/13 at 3:52 pm (UTC)
"Cheers, Leslie. I feel mightily heroic already"
  • over 10 years ago12/11/13 at 9:37 pm (UTC)
"Hi Dennis, Thanks for your help, mate. Unfortunately no joy. Here are the steps that I followed: I deleted the existing text placeholder..."
  • over 10 years ago12/11/13 at 9:05 pm (UTC)
"G'day Storyliners Geez, 2 posts in one day! Alrighty, here's my problem: I've created a new slide master I've created multiple..."
  • over 10 years ago12/11/13 at 8:55 pm (UTC)
James Picton started a new discussion Custom Slide Layouts - Title tickbox not working
"G'day Storyliners I've created a custom Master Layout template with subordinate layouts in order to make my very large project easier to..."
  • over 10 years ago12/11/13 at 3:46 pm (UTC)
"Cheers, Jeff!! Jim"
  • over 10 years ago12/11/13 at 3:37 pm (UTC)
"Thanks, Ashley, I shall try those suggestions. I'd already disabled the 'auto-resume' feature whilst trying to troubleshoot the session ..."
  • over 10 years ago11/24/13 at 7:02 pm (UTC)