Jann Iaco
Jann Iaco
Training Specialist at Crate and Barrel
Jann Iaco replied to the discussion PowerPoint Character Freebie: Mona
"Thanks!  Excellent! "
  • 6 years ago07/14/18 at 3:53 pm (UTC)
"Alyssa, Thanks ... just uploaded the Articulate Package. Jann"
  • 7 years ago05/04/17 at 8:17 pm (UTC)
"Hello Alyssa, I know it's been a while, but finally I got our IT department to run all the repair steps for Studio'13 for Windows 7.  I ..."
  • 7 years ago05/04/17 at 4:25 pm (UTC)
"Hi Alyssa, You're right this isn't my first rodeo with losing audio, but it hasn't happened in a couple of years. So I knew the list of ..."
  • over 7 years ago04/20/17 at 7:15 pm (UTC)
Jann Iaco started a new discussion Lost Audio and Player Template in Articulate 13
"Hello, I just lost all my audio in my course and the player template reverted back to the basic one.  In the past when I lost audio a ol..."
  • over 7 years ago04/19/17 at 8:55 pm (UTC)
"Ashley, Yes, I would like the team to take a look at the 13 course.   Are there instructions on how to upload it .... I think I did it ..."
  • almost 8 years ago10/13/16 at 8:47 pm (UTC)
"Hello Ashley, I do have a 09 backup ....  at least I think it is .... because once I would go into a 09 course to make any tweaks (once ..."
  • almost 8 years ago10/13/16 at 8:05 pm (UTC)
"Hello! A course that was working fine on our LMS (all the other courses are doing okay) for over a year is missing audio on some slides...."
  • almost 8 years ago10/13/16 at 3:17 pm (UTC)
"Hello Leslie, I did Update 7 :1509.1618 last fall. And I've checked to see if there are any newer updates, but there are not.   And yes..."
  • 8 years ago05/13/16 at 8:28 pm (UTC)
Jann Iaco started a new discussion Presenter 13, No sound when played on iPad
"Hello, Published a Presenter 13 course in HTML5 for the first time.  When it plays on a iPad there is no sound. Everything else is worki..."
  • 8 years ago05/13/16 at 4:05 pm (UTC)
"Leslie, Ahhh!  I learn something new everyday.  Now I have to figure out how Audacity switched the settings, but thanks to you I know ho..."
  • over 8 years ago11/17/15 at 10:45 pm (UTC)
Jann Iaco started a new discussion Audio Editor not recognizing MP3 or Wav files
"Hello, I keep getting an error message when I try to import a mp3 or a wav file into Articulate 13 Presenter.  The error message says th..."
  • over 8 years ago11/17/15 at 7:40 pm (UTC)
"Ashley, What file is that? Sorry don't know what a .intr is."
  • 9 years ago06/30/15 at 6:09 pm (UTC)
"Leslie, I just figured out a work-around.  I locate the Engage on it's own. Am able to open it . . . make changes . . .  save it . . . t..."
  • 9 years ago06/30/15 at 6:06 pm (UTC)
"Leslie, Thank you. I've attached the Engage.  When I try to edit it when it is in the course is when I get the Articulate Error Report."
  • 9 years ago06/30/15 at 5:52 pm (UTC)
Jann Iaco started a new discussion Unable to edit Engage updated from 09 to 13
"Hello, I need to update a course that was created in 09 a few years ago. When I went into the course it insisted that I update the cours..."
  • 9 years ago06/30/15 at 2:55 pm (UTC)
"Yes, they had to unzip it. It wouldn't open otherwise and then there were oodles of files and the Launch Presentation icon was no where ..."
  • 9 years ago06/18/15 at 6:04 pm (UTC)
"Scott, Thanks for your help, but I cannot open the file. I guess I will go old fashion and burn it on a disc and send it snail mail to ..."
  • 9 years ago06/18/15 at 5:45 pm (UTC)
"Thank you. Oops! I edited the signature in my replies."
  • 9 years ago06/18/15 at 5:41 pm (UTC)
"Scott, I answered too quickly. So now I cannot get it on Google Drive -- too large. So I zipped the 'published to CD' file and success..."
  • 9 years ago06/18/15 at 4:49 pm (UTC)
"Scott, Ahh! Thank you! I will do that! Thanks so, so much for your assistance.  "
  • 9 years ago06/18/15 at 4:25 pm (UTC)
Jann Iaco started a new discussion Share Presenter 13 project with SME's
"Hello, I am stumped as to how to share a Presenter 13 project with SME's that do not have Articulate. I have published to web and tried ..."
  • 9 years ago06/18/15 at 4:13 pm (UTC)
Jann Iaco replied to the discussion Lost Audio in Updating my Course
"Leslie, I was able to restore the audio. THANK YOU!!  It is such a scary thing when this happens.   So if I want to make changes to thi..."
  • 9 years ago06/02/15 at 7:56 pm (UTC)
Jann Iaco replied to the discussion Lost Audio in Updating my Course
"Leslie, Thanks, but none of my files are displaying the *old.ppta. *I did rename my Powerpoint which clearly broke the connection I no..."
  • 9 years ago06/02/15 at 6:48 pm (UTC)
Jann Iaco started a new discussion Lost Audio in Updating my Course
"Hello, I am updating a course I built a year ago. I decided to 'save as' the PowerPoint file as a new name, Interview Part 1_rev2015. Th..."
  • 9 years ago05/27/15 at 9:44 pm (UTC)