Nancy P. Hemenway
Nancy P. Hemenway
Nancy P. Hemenway started a new discussion Need help with a Quiz/Assessment
"I need help to figure out how to create a quiz that has 15 statements. Each of the statements has one of three answers (I) (P) or (I/P). ..."
  • 6 years ago06/29/18 at 2:16 pm (UTC)
Nancy P. Hemenway started a new discussion Blackboard - LMS Will an Articulate module integrate
"I need some advice on integrating a course supplemental module (that I am creating) with the course that is installed to Blackboard - thi..."
  • 6 years ago06/25/18 at 9:03 pm (UTC)
Nancy P. Hemenway started a new discussion Building a prototype - Question about text-to-speech
"I am creating a prototype for a presentation this week.  I am using some quiz questions within the module and personalizing the feedback...."
  • over 6 years ago12/03/17 at 7:57 pm (UTC)
Nancy P. Hemenway replied to the discussion Certification in Instructional Designing
"I would suggest you look at James Madison University. I am in the middle of a master's degree program in Ed Tech but I started out gettin..."
  • over 6 years ago12/03/17 at 7:49 pm (UTC)
Nancy P. Hemenway replied to the discussion Closed Caption Confusion (Storyline 360 online)
"Follow up question. I found a good visual CC tutorial on Youtube here:  One more question. I..."
  • over 6 years ago11/16/17 at 6:36 pm (UTC)
Nancy P. Hemenway started a new discussion Closed Caption Confusion (Storyline 360 online)
"I have a video I created and brought it onto a slide. I added closed captions to the video but the captions are not showing up on the pre..."
  • over 6 years ago11/16/17 at 5:15 pm (UTC)
Nancy P. Hemenway started a new discussion I need one slide with 5 T/F questions
"I need to create one slide with 5 T/F questions  providing immediate responses for each question. Might someone point me to the way I mig..."
  • over 6 years ago11/14/17 at 6:06 pm (UTC)
"I have created notes for each of my slides and I want to export them into one doc - do I have to copy and paste or is there a way to expo..."
  • over 6 years ago11/08/17 at 6:19 pm (UTC)
"April, would users need to have a google docs account? I am also looking for a way for self-assessment feedback to go to the user when t..."
  • over 6 years ago11/08/17 at 3:20 pm (UTC)
Nancy P. Hemenway started a new discussion Templates - Looking for a good Dog oriented Template
"Hi All, I am working on a project for a service dog organization.  I have a design plan and document and I want to build out the course i..."
  • over 6 years ago11/01/17 at 4:25 pm (UTC)
Nancy P. Hemenway started a new discussion Is it Possible to hide only a Portion of a base layer
"I have slides that include a timeline. When the learner clicks on a  "week"  it opens another layer with content and images. I would like..."
  • almost 7 years ago08/13/17 at 8:45 pm (UTC)
Nancy P. Hemenway started a new discussion How to swap images but keep states the same
"I am working with a template using tabs that have three states (normal, hover and selected - where the learner jumps to another slide.) I..."
  • almost 7 years ago07/28/17 at 7:05 pm (UTC)
Nancy P. Hemenway started a new discussion Audio Not Playing
"I recorded audio within Storyline, can see it (waves) but when I try to edit, I cannot hear it and when previewing, the files also cannot..."
  • 7 years ago07/21/17 at 5:18 pm (UTC)
Nancy P. Hemenway commented on the download Storyline: Timeline Template
"Megan, your timeline is terrific!!!!!! I am using it for a brief history of Instructional Design for a presentation project for a theori..."
  • 7 years ago07/21/17 at 3:41 pm (UTC)
Nancy P. Hemenway started a new discussion Need some Help on Healthcare Module
"I am working on a health care module to educate our consumers on health care philosophy and practice and how plans are developed. Can som..."
  • 7 years ago07/10/17 at 8:22 pm (UTC)
Nancy P. Hemenway replied to the discussion Storyline wont load engage interaction
"I'm not trying to publish it, I'm trying to load it so I can continue to work on it."
  • 7 years ago07/10/17 at 5:10 pm (UTC)
Nancy P. Hemenway replied to the discussion Drag and Drop
"Alyssa, this is terrific and so appreciated!  Thank you for the tutorial - I think I need to understand states a little better so I will ..."
  • 7 years ago05/16/17 at 9:12 pm (UTC)
Nancy P. Hemenway replied to the discussion Drag and Drop
"Yes, if possible, but I would like to know how to do both. I had one version of this that gave both incorrect and correct feedback but I ..."
  • 7 years ago05/16/17 at 5:53 pm (UTC)
Nancy P. Hemenway replied to the discussion Drag and Drop
"Yes - here it is. Thank you. Nancy"
  • 7 years ago05/16/17 at 3:40 pm (UTC)
Nancy P. Hemenway replied to the discussion Drag and Drop
"I apologize as this is my first attempt in using Storyline - I have a SL 360 subscription (as of a few days ago). I used the drop and dra..."
  • 7 years ago05/16/17 at 3:39 pm (UTC)
Nancy P. Hemenway replied to the discussion Drag and Drop
"Sorry - I should have done that. I got the drop and drag to work BUT only if matched to correct parts. When shapes are matched to incorre..."
  • 7 years ago05/16/17 at 3:35 pm (UTC)
Nancy P. Hemenway replied to the discussion Microphone for audio
"Heather, I use a basic mic "Blue Nessie" Once I record, I've had the best luck with Audacity and also some tweaking in Audition - but for..."
  • 7 years ago05/15/17 at 7:40 pm (UTC)
Nancy P. Hemenway started a new discussion Drag and Drop
"I am working on a graphic representation of the male and female reproductive systems. I set up a (female) graphic and created buttons to ..."
  • 7 years ago05/15/17 at 5:03 pm (UTC)
Nancy P. Hemenway added the course Use of Progesterone During IVF
"I'd love to have a go-to group here in the Washington DC Metro Area (Virginia side) "
  • 7 years ago05/14/17 at 3:24 pm (UTC)