Nicole Uhl
Nicole Uhl
Nicole Uhl started a new discussion Error when publishing to Review 360
"Hello, I have been publishing to Review 360. I have published 2 courses today. I tried to publish a third and received an error message. ..."
  • 1 year ago05/30/23 at 9:28 pm (UTC)
Nicole Uhl started a new discussion Hyperlink disappears when hovered over it
"Why does the hyperlink text disappear when hovered over it? I have tried to create a hover state that keeps colored text, but it st..."
  • 1 year ago05/23/23 at 5:12 pm (UTC)
"I am having this same issue 2 years later. Is there a solution yet? In chrome on desktop"
  • 1 year ago05/18/23 at 6:44 pm (UTC)
Nicole Uhl started a new discussion SL Interactions in Rise
"When I publish storyline interactions in rise, they always appear with a blank square with a play button in the center. Image attached.&n..."
  • 1 year ago05/18/23 at 6:39 pm (UTC)
Nicole Uhl replied to the discussion Unable to export audio
"If I uninstall it, will I lose all of my content and files? "
  • 1 year ago05/18/23 at 3:52 pm (UTC)
Nicole Uhl started a new discussion Unable to export audio
"I have never been able to export audio. For any of my courses, not just one. I receive this error message each time. "Were so..."
  • 1 year ago05/10/23 at 6:24 pm (UTC)
Nicole Uhl started a new discussion Sync timeline audio to video
"I have video content in my course. I have created text- to- speech to go along with the video. However, when the user pauses the vi..."
  • 1 year ago05/10/23 at 4:29 pm (UTC)
Nicole Uhl replied to the discussion Unable to export audio
"The software also keeps closing in the middle of designing, and I am losing my work. [tcN3X10N8BwHSEEP4fOl8haZ4gQ6UAAAAASUVORK5CYII=] N..."
  • over 1 year ago03/28/23 at 3:19 pm (UTC)
Nicole Uhl replied to the discussion Unable to export audio
"Hello! Yes, this is happening for all of my audio files. I am unable to export any of them. Nicole [tcN3X10N8BwHSEEP4fOl8haZ4gQ6UAAAAA..."
  • over 1 year ago03/28/23 at 3:02 pm (UTC)
Nicole Uhl started a new discussion Unable to export audio
"Each time I click the "export audio" button, I get an error box instructing me to report the problem. My file are saved to the C drive."
  • over 1 year ago03/27/23 at 3:24 pm (UTC)
"Has there been a common fix for this issue that I could have my team try? It is detrimental to my workflow each time I save an edit. "
  • over 1 year ago03/13/23 at 6:48 pm (UTC)
"I am having a similar issue. Has there been a solution? "
  • over 1 year ago02/13/23 at 5:08 pm (UTC)
Nicole Uhl started a new discussion Storyline not saving work
"I have been working on a storyline project all day. I have not closed it. When I went to my browser to look up a tutorial, and came back ..."
  • almost 2 years ago09/27/22 at 5:48 pm (UTC)
"Did anyone find a solution for this? My text is not showing in preview mode either? "
  • almost 2 years ago09/27/22 at 4:25 pm (UTC)