Terri Merrill
Terri Merrill
Curriculum Designer at TCF Bank Contact Center
Terri Merrill replied to the discussion Storyline 2 - v8 to v10
"As always - you guys are amazing! Thank you. It was so simple once I opened the download in Chrome. I should have thought of that. I.E. i..."
  • over 7 years ago01/04/17 at 2:30 pm (UTC)
"So it looks like if I get my SL2 updated to v11, I'll be in OK shape? If so, I'll keep working on that and consider the HTML issue closed..."
  • over 7 years ago01/03/17 at 10:49 pm (UTC)
Terri Merrill replied to the discussion Storyline 2 - v8 to v10
"I did... that's where I got the original file. I clicked to download, then tried to open... it didn't update. So I asked my IT folks, the..."
  • over 7 years ago01/03/17 at 10:43 pm (UTC)
Terri Merrill started a new discussion Old S2 Files published not using HTML5... now need HTML5
"I'm trying to figure out...Was there an enhancement? Last year I was publishing files as HTML only (not HTML5 because it was giving me pr..."
  • over 7 years ago01/03/17 at 10:38 pm (UTC)
Terri Merrill started a new discussion Storyline 2 - v8 to v10
"Hi, I have been trying to update my SL2 from v8 to v11. Is this too big a jump? My IT folks have been trying to help but we aren't sure. ..."
  • over 7 years ago01/03/17 at 10:33 pm (UTC)
Terri Merrill started a new discussion Storyline quizzing... results variable issues
"I'm hoping someone can give me a few ideas of what I might be doing wrong... I have created  an assessment in Storyline that one the fin..."
  • almost 9 years ago08/31/15 at 2:14 pm (UTC)
"Yeah Chris - thanks that worked...!  I was hoping it wouldn't be too difficult.  I continue to run the praises of this site!  I hope even..."
  • over 9 years ago03/17/15 at 1:44 pm (UTC)
"Wendy Thanks for working on this... Let me take a look, I suspect I may have questions.  I am looking for the visited states to retain ..."
  • over 9 years ago03/16/15 at 8:59 pm (UTC)
"Wendy I'm sorry, I should have deleted a bit more... if you do the following... From slide - 1.1, click on a couple of the "button" on ..."
  • over 9 years ago03/16/15 at 5:37 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Wendy, I tried that (I found it in a previous post), but it doesn't appear to be very intuitive.  The layers all have the same ima..."
  • over 9 years ago03/16/15 at 2:21 pm (UTC)
"When I leave the slide, I want to be able to return to the Main slide view AND have the accurate state displaying for the visited layers...."
  • over 9 years ago03/16/15 at 1:56 pm (UTC)
Terri Merrill replied to the discussion View a layer under certain conditions...
"Michael/Emily - You are Dolls!  I looked at the example Micheal sent.  I had set one of my slide layer displays incorrectly. Once I went ..."
  • over 9 years ago01/27/15 at 5:16 pm (UTC)
Terri Merrill replied to the discussion View a layer under certain conditions...
"Thanks Michael... I may have a few questions as I see if I can use the same/similar concept. I really have to say, of any of the support..."
  • over 9 years ago01/27/15 at 2:01 pm (UTC)
Terri Merrill replied to the discussion View a layer under certain conditions...
"OK. so that apparently isn't going to work... : )  do you have an idea how I can get a special slide or layer to display once all the bra..."
  • over 9 years ago01/22/15 at 7:14 pm (UTC)
Terri Merrill started a new discussion View a layer under certain conditions...
"I have create a lesson where there is a 'menu' view with multiple branching points within the menu. When the user has accessed all the br..."
  • over 9 years ago01/22/15 at 6:55 pm (UTC)
Terri Merrill replied to the discussion Where are my posts?
"Thank You!  "
  • over 9 years ago11/06/14 at 3:56 pm (UTC)
Terri Merrill started a new discussion Where are my posts?
"I like the new look but I was accustomed to the old... I can't figure out where my posts are thogh.  I have a couple that I wanted to fol..."
  • over 9 years ago11/06/14 at 3:23 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Emily... Let me take a look... I'm not sure I fully understand but I'll read up more on my triggers and variables. I do appreciat..."
  • almost 10 years ago10/20/14 at 2:16 pm (UTC)
Terri Merrill replied to the discussion Print Option in Storyline
"Ashley Now that I have the print function working and the email working, I was trying something a bit more ... I was hoping to use a jav..."
  • almost 10 years ago10/17/14 at 2:46 pm (UTC)
"Emily I have added all the conditions, but the last circle is not available at all now to click. I could access the view via the menu, bu..."
  • almost 10 years ago10/17/14 at 2:38 pm (UTC)
"You are a doll!  thank you... I'll try finishing the updates and let you know... I guess doing it the 'hard way', always seems like the b..."
  • almost 10 years ago10/17/14 at 2:09 pm (UTC)
"thanks Emily... Yes, what I am trying to accomplish is... on the TOC, the user must review all the sections within the story before they ..."
  • almost 10 years ago10/17/14 at 12:51 pm (UTC)
Terri Merrill replied to the discussion Print Option in Storyline
"Ashley The information worked great... I had to add the HTML 5 option in my publishing and test it in my web docs launch.  Now both the p..."
  • almost 10 years ago10/17/14 at 11:24 am (UTC)
Terri Merrill replied to the discussion Print Option in Storyline
"thanks, I'll check into it the web server and the Java practices... I appreciate the information!"
  • almost 10 years ago10/17/14 at 11:13 am (UTC)
"David Thank you... here's what I've done... I think I'm missing a step... 1. Created a t/f variable - Name - LimitAccess / Value=True 2...."
  • almost 10 years ago10/17/14 at 7:39 am (UTC)