Last Post Replies
David Lozinsky
I am using Storyline and Flash CS 5.5 publishing flash SWF's to version 10.2. When i publish the individual slide in storyline, I get one output but when I publish the...
12 years ago
By Nancy Woinoski
Bobby McGrath
When trying to load a Storyline course into the Articulate iPad Mobile Player from our Blackboard Academic Suite, I receive "Cannot Access Content." Further stated, .....
12 years ago
By Peter Anderson
Mohan Kumar
Hi all, Please help me Storyline not installed in xp2 version why?
12 years ago
By Peter Anderson
Bruce Graham
Hi, Is there any way to stop this when just trying to CTRL-A + CTRL-I the bulleted text in a text box? It looks silly - because the last one doesn't do it... Can this...
12 years ago
By Annie Jean
Gillian Whitney
I am new and working on my first course using storyline.  I am finding that my files are kind of big (ex. over 700,000 KB).  I tried to reduce my file size by creating...
12 years ago
By Nancy Woinoski
Manfred Shan
Hi, first i say sorry for my bad englisch, and i hope the same question is not asked before . I will use the articulate Storyline as a feedback program. I sell a produ...
12 years ago
By Peter Anderson
Shannon Connor
After a multple choice or drag and drop question slide, I have my course branching to one slide for incorrect feedback and another for correct feedback.  There is soun...
12 years ago
By Shannon Connor
Jonathan Workman
Need to know if Storyline has this functionality before I jump into creating this course... 1. Open with a quiz (kind of a pre-test to see what learners know before th...
12 years ago
By Jonathan Workman
Shanee Kraus
Hi All, I would appreciate your advice on the following - in my company we are investigating mobile learning. we've created content using SL. We've published for iOS d...
12 years ago
By Peter Anderson
Bruce Graham
Hi, I am trying to Format Paint coloured gradients from one oval shape to another in SL, across Scenes, and get the following:
12 years ago
By Bruce Graham
Steve Shoemaker
I'm developing several courses for the college I work for.  We want to have students start a lesson, stop when they want to take a break for five minutes or a week, an...
12 years ago
By Phil Mayor
Chris Fletcher
Is there any way to link from a web page to a specific point in a storyline presentation, so that when you go onto the web page that the storyline is on, you can open ...
12 years ago
By Chris Fletcher
Mohan Kumar
Hi What's the Difference between triggers to variables?
12 years ago
By Phil Mayor
Mohan Kumar
Hi all... Please help me. How can I change Menu option to bottom in articulate storyline?
12 years ago
By Mohan Kumar
XAn Choly
Hi Folks, Just a heads-up that US app content isn't always available on the iTunes Canadian store. I can't seem to find Articulate Mobile Player - any plans to release...
12 years ago
By XAn Choly
Sol Moh
Hi. I want to change the font size of player labels. please guide me.
12 years ago
By Sol Moh
Ira Hall
Let's see if I can articulate (ha! a pun!) this well. I have an image that starts in the Normal state, but when hovered over is triggered to the Hover state. When a us...
12 years ago
By Ira Hall
Doug Rose
Hi, Does anyone know if storyline re-encodes audio when it is imported as AAC?  I have a lot of files that I compressed and they sound great.  They are also very small...
12 years ago
By Gerry Wasiluk
Sol Moh
Hi. I want to change arrangement of multi scence, please help me.
12 years ago
By Gerry Wasiluk
Anne Austin
Will the Engages and Quizzes that are imported into Storyline export to HTML 5?
12 years ago
By Nancy Woinoski