Chris Pim
Chris Pim
Hampshire EMTAS
"Yes it's a solution i had considered. Thanks for your help. Chris"
  • over 3 years ago04/15/21 at 9:02 am (UTC)
"My solution works Ok. But I need an option to reset the drag and drop interaction on certain conditions but not always. The only eff..."
  • over 3 years ago04/14/21 at 7:16 pm (UTC)
"Hi Ren, Well, I fail to understand how this can't be considered a critical issue. You can't seemingly produce an input text field that ha..."
  • over 3 years ago04/14/21 at 1:10 pm (UTC)
"Any update on this? The way scrolling on automatically expanding text fields works is ugly... Chris"
  • over 3 years ago04/09/21 at 9:54 am (UTC)
"Thanks Walt I will take a good look I found a solution to my problem of having 9 draggable objects that can be dropped onto 9 drop spots...."
  • over 3 years ago04/01/21 at 7:43 am (UTC)
"Me neither...can someone share the tricks in principle at least I need to find a way to allow a user to reset the DnD interaction multipl..."
  • over 3 years ago03/31/21 at 9:51 am (UTC)
"Hi Walt, Thanks a lot for your reply. Unfortunately I can't open it. I tried on Version 44 and it said I needed to upgrade to the latest ..."
  • over 3 years ago03/30/21 at 9:21 am (UTC)
"I see a discussion about this from 7 years ago...but nothing since?"
  • over 3 years ago03/29/21 at 4:01 pm (UTC)
"Is it possible to reset a drag and drop interaction to it's default state through triggers etc. I am aware that you can do this as a slid..."
  • over 3 years ago03/29/21 at 3:59 pm (UTC)
Chris Pim replied to the discussion Resetting slide to original state
"Does anyone know if you can do the following: Set a slide to an initial state by using a typically a slide on revisiting wou..."
  • over 3 years ago03/29/21 at 8:19 am (UTC)
"When is this problem going to be fixed? It's 2 years old as a problem, Reverting to Classic Player makes no sense at all. Seems like rece..."
  • almost 4 years ago08/14/20 at 3:21 pm (UTC)
"I need a version as well. A bug that's not been resolved for 6 months now. Am I to have to go to them every time I need an older version...."
  • 4 years ago06/24/20 at 6:23 pm (UTC)
Chris Pim replied to the discussion Building a text list using variables
"Hi Logan, Could you share your example as well?"
  • over 4 years ago04/11/20 at 8:38 am (UTC)
"You still can't reset an input text field containing text to blank in code as far as I am aware - this is not a broser specific problem e..."
  • over 4 years ago04/07/20 at 7:25 am (UTC)
"Hi Matt, FYI. Someone else has also helped me and this code appears to work: var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (va..."
  • over 4 years ago03/30/20 at 11:58 am (UTC)
"Hi Matt This works beautifully. It even works when the javascript runs on slide startup. Perfect. Yet it isn't working for my projects. I..."
  • over 4 years ago03/28/20 at 12:47 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Matt...I am a bit desperate so I reallyappreciate your help."
  • over 4 years ago03/27/20 at 7:55 am (UTC)
"Thinking about it. Do I need to issue some king of 'get player' command before this make it work? Chris"
  • over 4 years ago03/26/20 at 9:15 am (UTC)
"Hi Matthew, Thanks for helping me with this. Not sure if I am doing this right but I tried adding a trigger both on the slide and on the ..."
  • over 4 years ago03/26/20 at 8:51 am (UTC)
"Hi Matt, Thanks for your help with this... The course would receive a boolean to say whether it is the user who can or cannot text edit....."
  • over 4 years ago03/25/20 at 9:09 am (UTC)
"Two different people will be accessing the same 'account' The content is being read in from a database via variables in Storyline...some ..."
  • over 4 years ago03/24/20 at 1:08 pm (UTC)
"Hi Lauren, That would work great except... can text input fields accept a state? Mine are also embedded in a scroll pane...although eithe..."
  • over 4 years ago03/23/20 at 7:50 pm (UTC)
Chris Pim started a new discussion protect text input fields from being editeded
"Hi, Is there a way to protect a text input field from being edited - almost like a read only view? I have a project where I want differen..."
  • over 4 years ago03/23/20 at 9:48 am (UTC)
"So, I have noticed major problems in one of my projects with one of the updates in 2020 (not sure which one yet) . I have reverted to Dec..."
  • over 4 years ago02/29/20 at 10:14 am (UTC)
Chris Pim replied to the discussion Scroll Bar start position
"That's really cool - thanks. So how could you scroll, say, to the middle? Chris"
  • over 4 years ago02/11/20 at 6:45 pm (UTC)