Tristan Hunt
Tristan Hunt
Instructional Designer
Tristan Hunt replied to the discussion Story size for Tablets
"Thanks Crystal! Am I right that if I have both 16x9 and 16x10 devices I will be best to publish for 16x10? I assume when viewed on 16x9 ..."
  • 8 years ago05/04/16 at 11:54 pm (UTC)
"I really liked the drag and drop using the icons on to the circles of information. I am trying to think of how I could incorporate this i..."
  • 8 years ago05/04/16 at 12:01 am (UTC)
"Awesome work as always! I really like the multipage navigation. I may need to repurpose that for my own use :)"
  • 8 years ago05/03/16 at 11:56 pm (UTC)
Tristan Hunt started a new discussion Story size for Tablets
"Hi all, I am looking for the optimum size for modules to be viewed primarily on 10" Samsung Tablets, but still also look good on desktop..."
  • 8 years ago05/03/16 at 11:48 pm (UTC)
Tristan Hunt replied to the discussion Googlefied Template
"I just need to get some time (Isn't that always the case)... Every time I install an app with a cool introduction/instructions scene I al..."
  • 8 years ago05/03/16 at 11:34 pm (UTC)
"I have designed courses which let the learner jump straight to the quiz if they feel they already have sufficient knowledge. If they don'..."
  • 8 years ago05/03/16 at 11:33 pm (UTC)
Tristan Hunt replied to the discussion General overview of an elearning system
"I'd second what Steve has said. Start with an open source LMS and then tweak it to suit your needs this way you save a huge amount of time."
  • 8 years ago05/03/16 at 11:24 pm (UTC)
"I'm picturing a map with different competitors as buildings or logos on the map and the user clicks in to review and compare their stats...."
  • 8 years ago05/03/16 at 11:09 pm (UTC)
"Yes I have been fighting this battle lately... Luckily some of the higher ups do get it and have supported me pushing back on the SMEs/bu..."
  • 8 years ago05/03/16 at 5:25 am (UTC)
"That is absolutely terrible... I am glad I haven't come across this. What ever happened to proving you are capable?  "
  • 8 years ago05/03/16 at 5:24 am (UTC)
Tristan Hunt replied to the discussion Googlefied Template
"Good idea! I have seen some great explainers on installation of apps that I think would be great to repurpose for systems based training."
  • 8 years ago05/02/16 at 11:51 pm (UTC)
Tristan Hunt replied to the discussion Buidling FAQs in SL2
"How many questions do you expect to have? This could be easily done with layers. Or you could use similar to the glossary style with que..."
  • 8 years ago05/02/16 at 11:36 pm (UTC)
"Why do people still insist on restricting a learners navigation through a course? I have yet to come across a good reason for why you wou..."
  • 8 years ago05/02/16 at 11:12 pm (UTC)
Tristan Hunt replied to the discussion Re-viewing content
"What is the actual issue you are having? I always build with a menu and forward/back buttons so learners can review sections if they wish..."
  • 8 years ago05/02/16 at 11:11 pm (UTC)
"I really like this especially the practical application of it!"
  • 8 years ago04/26/16 at 4:25 am (UTC)
"Great post and very timely! I have just been talking to HR about building some scenario based training for one of our compliance modules ..."
  • 8 years ago04/21/16 at 2:37 am (UTC)
"I would recommend downloading one of the templates from the download section and having a play around. Essentially you need a menu slide..."
  • 8 years ago04/20/16 at 11:10 pm (UTC)
Tristan Hunt replied to the discussion Publishing first e-Learning
"I have found it's best to not have any other programs open when publishing as it seems to be quite resource intensive."
  • 8 years ago04/20/16 at 6:12 am (UTC)
"Hi Andrew, I am facing a similar scenario at the moment. Having come into a health care organisation that is very new to e-learning. Do..."
  • 8 years ago04/19/16 at 11:15 pm (UTC)
Tristan Hunt replied to the discussion The size of your e-Learning team?
"Our "team" consists of myself being is 50/50 split between Instructional Design and LMS Administration and 2 others who are maybe 1/4 tim..."
  • 8 years ago04/18/16 at 11:34 pm (UTC)
Tristan Hunt replied to the discussion When Training is NOT the Answer
"But everything can be fixed by training lol..."
  • 8 years ago04/18/16 at 11:27 pm (UTC)
"Hi Ashely, Yes this was done. When it was installed I didn't have admin rights so it ran under the admin profile. They only gave me loc..."
  • 8 years ago04/13/16 at 4:23 am (UTC)
Tristan Hunt replied to the discussion Poor content
"I had a similar experience last week. Health, Safety and Wellbeing want a policy putting on the LMS with a huge very hard to navigate exc..."
  • 8 years ago04/12/16 at 11:24 pm (UTC)
"I think the best way to learn is to have real projects. This way you HAVE to get it done and figure out how to make things work to achiev..."
  • 8 years ago04/12/16 at 11:16 pm (UTC)
"How did you learn Storyline? I actually started in presenter, there were lots of teasers about storyline on the forum prior to it's relea..."
  • 8 years ago04/12/16 at 11:12 pm (UTC)