Storyline 3 - Update 3 Released Today

Mar 06, 2018

Our latest update to Storyline 3 is available today! 


You can see the new features and bug fixes we've added to Storyline 3 since the last update listed below, or the entire list since the initial release in the Storyline Version History here. Updates are free for Storyline 3 licensees. Download the latest update here.

  • The new text-rendering engine for Storyline 3 allows text to flow beautifully with consistent spacing and readability on every device. And learners will always see the correct fonts for variable references and data-entry fields in HTML5 output. Learn more about modern text.
  • Storyline 3 users can now open Storyline 360 project files that have text-to-speech narration, random number variables, and course completion triggers. Compatibility details here
  • Fixed: Published content stored on your local computer wouldn't play in Google Chrome 64 and later.
  • Fixed: We fixed some drag-and-drop issues in HTML5 output, such as drag items that wouldn't drop on targets, interactions that were marked as correct even when learners answered incorrectly, and hover colors that were wrong.
  • Fixed: We fixed some triggers that didn't work consistently in HTML5 output, including key-press, hover, and click-outside triggers that didn't fire when expected.
  • Fixed: Right-click triggers displayed a context menu in some HTML5 browsers.
  • Fixed: We fixed some HTML5 quizzing issues, such as the Review Quiz button not working when a course was set to never resume, matching drop-down choices that overlapped during quiz review, and question banks that displayed the same set of questions after three quiz attempts.
  • Fixed: We fixed some issues with HTML5 output in Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, such as flickering that appeared when navigating between slides and crashing that occurred when text had shadow effects.
  • Fixed: Videos wouldn't replay when revisiting slides in HTML5 output in Firefox.
  • Fixed: Lots of videos in a course could cause slides to lag or lock up in HTML5 output, and they could be sized or positioned incorrectly during preview.
  • Fixed: Audio continued to play in HTML5 output when switching to another browser tab, causing animations to become unsynchronized.
  • Fixed: JAWS screen readers would announce selected answer choices as "not checked" in HTML5 output.
  • Fixed: Zoom regions wouldn't work in HTML5 output when they were set to start at the beginning of slides, and they wouldn't always return to their initial states when revisiting slides.
  • Fixed: Data-entry fields didn't have focus when slides loaded in HTML5 output, so learners had to click inside them before entering text.
  • Fixed: We fixed some issues that could occur after upgrading project files to Storyline 3, such as blank slides, white borders around slides, and brief flashes or flickers between slides in HTML5 output.
  • Fixed: In the responsive mobile player, the seekbar was interactive even when it should have been read-only and the course menu would sometimes jump to the wrong slide.
  • Fixed: Closed captions in Flash output didn't display special characters, such as accented letters and apostrophes, and the captions were the wrong size after changing the player font size.
  • Fixed: We fixed some LMS issues, including accented letters in course titles that were replaced by question marks in SCORM output and courses tracked by the number of slides viewed reporting a Passed status rather than a Completed status.
  • Fixed: When the audio editor was zoomed in, you couldn't always delete portions of the waveform, and the waveform might be out of sync with the audio.
136 Replies
K. Held

I've been struggling with Character state changes in SL3's HTML5 output for a while.

There used to be a flickering, or flashing, between states and at worst, some kind of weird rubberbanding going on. I updated to the latest version of SL3 hoping it would fix the issue, and to an extent, it IE and Edge, which is weird. Now, Chrome is showing the character flicker or outright half explode before snapping to the new state. It's a little inconsistent.

Can you offer a fix, or if this is a known issue?

Rio Sloan
Ashley Terwilliger

Fixed: JAWS screen readers would announce selected answer choices as "not checked" in HTML5 output.


Awesome updates, especially the one I quoted. :) I was hoping that the lightbox exit button issue (screenreader not reading it as an exit button) would be in this update, but alas I would have to wait some more. Would it possibly addressed soon?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Rio,

The issue where tabbing to the Close button for a lightbox is only read out as "Button" that we discussed here should be fixed in Storyline 3 Update 3 as well. Not all fixes make the version history, and this one having only been reported by a few users wasn't listed. Are you seeing it not work correctly? If so, I'd love to take a look! 


No worries - our Support Engineers are always standing by to help! Reach out to them here. We've seen a few odd performance issues and/or low memory errors, so it could be that which you're running into. As I said, we'll work with you to get to the bottom of it! 

Rio Sloan
Ashley Terwilliger

Hi Rio,

The issue where tabbing to the Close button for a lightbox is only read out as "Button" that we discussed here should be fixed in Storyline 3 Update 3 as well. Not all fixes make the version history, and this one having only been reported by a few users wasn't listed. Are you seeing it not work correctly? If so, I'd love to take a look! 


Oh perfect! I'll test it out with one of our projects. Thanks!

Andy Carter

It's great to see so many bugs fixed but it's a real shame that Articulate didn't take the opportunity to provide any new features apart from the modern font update. SL360 has had several new features recently. Why hasn't SL3 been updated to in order to keep the two products in synch with each other?

I hope there's going to be an update to SL3 soon, rather than simply bug fixes.

Anna Veach

I updated to the recent version this morning and now I'm unable to add text in a new course. And when I import a template screen, the text boxes are getting wiped out. What the heck!!?? And it was working perfectly the last time I needed to use it. I did try editing an existing file and was able to but I effectively cannot create anything new (with text) at this point.

Oh wait, I have Storyline 360, does that make a difference? Am I in the wrong thread?


Katie Corcoran

So I've narrowed down my issue. It looks like it has to do with using buttons in Chrome. ANY button that I use to jump to another slide is freezing the course. I even opened up a brand new Storyline file, created 2 new slides, and tested both a shape as a button and Storyline's default button. Both of them caused the spinning wheel to go on forever and ever. Even the next button wouldn't work.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Anna

Storyline 360 would allow you access to content library, and the last update of Storyline 360 was update 13 released March 1. Is that when you started to notice this behavior? 

I opened the file you shared and saw the text placeholders as shown here. It doesn't seem to match what you're seeing so I would want to make sure you're on the latest update of Storyline 360 which is Update 13. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Leslie,

I think you're referring to the issue where resuming the course was inconsistent for all SCORM outputs, but worked in Tin Can API. That issue was only one we saw in Storyline 360, introduced with Update 12 and fixed as a part of Update 13. As such, all the same fixes in Update 13 of Storyline 360 were ported over to Storyline 3 Update 3 - so it should be working well. 

Tim C

I've been working as normal for months (local drive, etc.) and I was happy SL3 had recently become so stable without the memory bugs (not enough memory, can't save). After this update they started appearing like crazy. Is there somewhere I can download the November build? I've got to get my work done. I'm under deadline.

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