Last Post Replies
Sam Veasey
I have a flash video that's about 15 minutes and almost 100 mb. It's on the 7th slide in my course. When I publish my course and view it locally, it's fine. I view my ...
over 13 years ago
By Sam Veasey
Bob Lander
I have a presenter panel in my sidebar, and it includes a "Bio" and "Email" button on it. I just realized that if a user clicks on either of those buttons to get the...
over 13 years ago
By Bob Lander
Babette Miller
Hi everyone - I work in a learning department and one of our employees loaded Articulate Studio on a company laptop. That person's no longer with the company, and now ...
over 13 years ago
By Sam Veasey
Babette Miller
I'm working with a group of other e-learning developers on a short-term contract. We need to be able to share the same player template because we're each working on di...
over 13 years ago
By Babette Miller
Cindy Hollister
I figured out how to add a movie to my sidebar so that I can show a narrator speaking. But my problem is that I want it to sort of replicate a lecture, where the narra...
over 13 years ago
By Cindy Hollister
Arthur Binotti
How do I get it to work right? I don't want the people to have to restart it.
over 13 years ago
By David Anderson
Christine James
How do I change the title of my presentation w/o republishing?
over 13 years ago
By Community Team
Babette Miller
Here's a weird one for you. My issue is with some videos that I inserted in my course. When I preview or publish and view my course on my own PC, the videos play fin...
over 13 years ago
By Babette Miller
Babette Miller
This is the strangest thing. I've been working all day on a presentation and everything's been going fine. But now all of the sudden when I publish, I'm not seeing my ...
over 13 years ago
By Babette Miller
Cindy Hollister
Hi everyone! I've added a SWF to my slide, and it looks great. But after the movie's done playing, I want it to fade out to the plain white slide background again, s...
over 13 years ago
By Cindy Hollister
Chris Norton
I am trying to embed an Presenter generated SWF into a web page It works OK if I try to embed a single slide e.g. <object width="660" height="405"> <param n...
over 13 years ago
By Christine James
Sunny Bozell
When I try to email my published presentation, I receive Error 429 "Active X component cannot create object." Anyone have a solution?
over 13 years ago
By Ardi Collins