Doug Rice
Doug Rice
Senior Research Engineer, e-Learning Instructional Design & Development at Battelle, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
"Hold the phone! I think I found a fix... If I select the checkbox input field (the entire field itself; not the text inside) and then cha..."
  • almost 5 years ago09/06/19 at 12:24 am (UTC)
"I did a little more investigating today. The problem seems to be that, in my translated story files, the course titles had non-standard c..."
  • 5 years ago05/17/19 at 12:18 am (UTC)
"Thanks, Ashley. It doesn't seem to matter if I publish to a local folder or to Onedrive (things have gotten a bit more challenging since ..."
  • 5 years ago05/16/19 at 8:59 pm (UTC)
"I just stumbled upon this bug today. I was getting "Method 'Title' not supported by automation object" for all courses I published to CD ..."
  • 5 years ago05/15/19 at 5:42 pm (UTC)
"Thanks, Crystal! That's so good to know. Now I have a solution going forward. I'll keep my eyes open for the bug fix too. Appreciate all..."
  • almost 6 years ago08/14/18 at 6:37 pm (UTC)
"Hi, Ashley. Yes...very odd. I have the latest update. I've been testing this on several files and it's definitely happening consistently..."
  • almost 6 years ago08/08/18 at 6:22 pm (UTC)
"The new update fixes the issue in my courses. Thanks for the news, Crystal!"
  • over 6 years ago03/07/18 at 8:23 pm (UTC)
"Great! Thanks a lot, Leslie."
  • over 6 years ago02/19/18 at 9:44 pm (UTC)
"Thanks for the update, Leslie. Was the hyperlink hover bug not fixed in Storyline 3? I'm running the latest version (Update 2) but the bu..."
  • over 6 years ago02/19/18 at 9:33 pm (UTC)
"Thanks, Ashley. Good to hear!"
  • 7 years ago07/11/17 at 8:53 pm (UTC)
Doug Rice replied to the discussion Activity Ideas to Simulate Meetings
"Hi, Michele. I did. We ended up combining learn-by-example, conversation-model, and decision-making approaches. At the beginning of the m..."
  • over 7 years ago03/07/17 at 9:09 pm (UTC)
Doug Rice replied to the discussion Building a text list using variables
"Hey, Phil. Any chance you have a SL2 version of this file? I'm still using SL2 and can't open this file. Says it was created with a newer..."
  • over 7 years ago02/22/17 at 12:08 am (UTC)
Doug Rice replied to the discussion Translating Master Slide Content
"Thank you, Leslie! Sure appreciate you letting us know. I'll update right away."
  • 8 years ago05/05/16 at 10:53 pm (UTC)
"I just noticed a couple related threads after I submitted this:"
  • over 8 years ago11/04/15 at 11:31 pm (UTC)
Doug Rice replied to the discussion Transitions Not Completing on Layers
"I think you're right, Terry."
  • almost 9 years ago10/23/15 at 9:24 pm (UTC)
Doug Rice replied to the discussion Transitions Not Completing on Layers
"Yes. Exactly! That's a good workaround. Just seems like transitions should play completely when a layer is shown, regardless of the prope..."
  • almost 9 years ago10/23/15 at 9:15 pm (UTC)
Doug Rice replied to the discussion Transitions Not Completing on Layers
"Thanks, Terry. That's certainly one possible workaround. The pause timeline trigger could fire after the layer transition has had enough..."
  • almost 9 years ago10/23/15 at 9:09 pm (UTC)
Doug Rice replied to the discussion Translating Master Slide Content
"Thanks for all your work on this, Ashley. I'll be eager for a bug fix. Like you say, I'm sure I can find a way to work around it for now."
  • 9 years ago05/22/15 at 4:45 pm (UTC)
Doug Rice replied to the discussion Translating Master Slide Content
"Thanks, Ashley. Looks like I got a little overzealous while cleaning out sensitive content from the file! The problem seems to be that n..."
  • 9 years ago05/21/15 at 5:45 pm (UTC)
Doug Rice replied to the discussion Translating Master Slide Content
"Ashley, I was able to strip down one of my story files so that your team could take a look. You'll notice that none of the text from the..."
  • 9 years ago05/20/15 at 8:26 pm (UTC)
Doug Rice replied to the discussion Translating Master Slide Content
"Thanks, Ashley. I tested this in both SL1 and SL2 and am not seeing the text in the export file. The text in question is in layers and s..."
  • 9 years ago05/20/15 at 7:02 pm (UTC)
"Thanks, Michael. You rock! I was trying to change the state of the slider rather than the variable associated with it. Works great now!"
  • over 9 years ago11/21/14 at 9:13 pm (UTC)
"Linda, Michael has a great solution. Another idea that I've used a lot is to copy the objects to each layer, as you've done, and then us..."
  • almost 10 years ago08/04/14 at 2:54 pm (UTC)
"I've been fighting with this bug again and found something else you can try. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't... In my case, I c..."
  • almost 10 years ago08/04/14 at 1:46 pm (UTC)
"We're on update 6 now and this bug still hasn't been fixed?!"
  • almost 10 years ago08/04/14 at 12:04 pm (UTC)