Matt Kurtin
Matt Kurtin
Programmer at Innovative Learning Group
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  • Royal Oak, MI
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"When drag items are dropped they stay where they are even though they are set to snap back to their original location if dropped outside ..."
  • 1 month ago06/14/24 at 3:12 pm (UTC)
"I hope this helps someone else out... Ran across need to get course title from Storyline block embedded in Rise to show on certificate s..."
  • 2 months ago05/30/24 at 5:49 pm (UTC)
"I have confirmed the issue was caused because the questions were set to "Reset to initial state" instead of "Resume saved state". Matt K..."
  • 2 months ago05/13/24 at 3:18 pm (UTC)
"My testing was done in SCORM Cloud. Matt Kurtin Senior Director, Technology and Visual Design Innovative Learning Group ph: 248.544.1..."
  • 3 months ago05/08/24 at 9:09 pm (UTC)
"Also checked SCORM 1.2 (just to make sure not a SCORM 2004 specific issue) and see same type of results - missing user answers from every..."
  • 3 months ago05/07/24 at 2:18 pm (UTC)
"This issue seems to have either not been fully resolved or resurfaced again. I have verified over multiple attempts with SCORM 2004 4th e..."
  • 3 months ago05/07/24 at 2:12 pm (UTC)
Matt Kurtin replied to the discussion Hide Comments Panel
"I am also undocking it and moving to another screen for courses where there are no comments. I would rather have an option to hide it alt..."
  • 6 months ago01/18/24 at 3:18 pm (UTC)
"Thanks for the heads up on the format. Should be able to use the same JavaScript approach to attach other formats. Follow this example of..."
  • 9 months ago11/14/23 at 7:14 pm (UTC)
"Credit to Chris Hodgson of Discover Learning for his video on 3D Parallax Hover Effects Using Tilt.JS for the idea of using the Alt text ..."
  • 9 months ago11/14/23 at 5:03 pm (UTC)
"Here's a workaround I have developed to add transparent videos using JavaScript:"
  • 9 months ago11/14/23 at 2:31 pm (UTC)
Matt Kurtin replied to the discussion Advanced Storyline Tips and Tricks
"Not sure. I will paste them as text here so you can try copying and pasting into the browsers to see if that works better for you. Podc..."
  • 2 years ago06/23/22 at 1:20 pm (UTC)
Matt Kurtin started a new discussion Advanced Storyline Tips and Tricks
"In this episode of Let's Talk Learning Technology (LT² Episode 4: Advanced Storyline Tips and Tricks) Matt and Walter talk about on..."
  • 2 years ago06/23/22 at 12:52 pm (UTC)
Matt Kurtin replied to the discussion NEXT Button not working
"When Next button becomes enabled, but nothing happens after you click the button, the first thing to check is to make sure you are publis..."
  • over 3 years ago01/28/21 at 8:52 pm (UTC)
Matt Kurtin replied to the discussion Layer properties not working
"I found the following workaround that worked for me, at:"
  • over 3 years ago01/28/21 at 2:17 pm (UTC)
Matt Kurtin replied to the discussion Layer properties not working
"I confirm I am encountering this same problem."
  • over 3 years ago01/21/21 at 5:57 pm (UTC)
Matt Kurtin replied to the discussion Big Red X in Story View
"Thanks. This allowed me to change font back to a supported one, and then I could turn Modern text back on. Often this problem occurred fo..."
  • over 4 years ago04/09/20 at 4:00 am (UTC)
Matt Kurtin replied to the discussion Videos not playing in published mode
"When not playing when published for CD, my issue was as follows: After publishing for CD from Storyline 2, videos will not play if whole ..."
  • over 5 years ago04/09/19 at 1:58 pm (UTC)
"Checking in on the status of this issue. It looks like the issue is still present in v 3.24. It looks to me like using an animation reduc..."
  • over 5 years ago02/12/19 at 2:19 pm (UTC)
Matt Kurtin started a new discussion Workarounds to Running Out of Space in Suspend_Data
"Looking to see if anyone has developed workarounds for the issue that Suspend_Data runs out of space (exceeds limits imposed by LMS). Ma..."
  • over 5 years ago11/06/18 at 9:45 pm (UTC)
"That does seem to allow the file to save. Though not clear how that TMP file space comes into play. I already had 121 GB free before remo..."
  • 6 years ago07/12/18 at 10:05 pm (UTC)
"I removed about 6 GB of TMP files. I was already on the latest version of Storyline: 3.17.16188.0 Matt Kurtin Senior Director, Technolo..."
  • 6 years ago07/12/18 at 9:26 pm (UTC)
"This is happening for a few different .story files of varying sizes."
  • 6 years ago07/11/18 at 8:32 pm (UTC)
"Task Manager shows the computer is not low on memory. Work locally on computer, not across network. Save As works, but Save does not ... ..."
  • 6 years ago07/11/18 at 8:32 pm (UTC)
Matt Kurtin started a new discussion Chrome 66 AutoPlay Policy Changes
"Does Chrome 66 stop audio from playing in Storyline 360 HTML5?"
  • over 6 years ago04/18/18 at 3:04 pm (UTC)
"What's above used to work. Last line needs to me modified  if using Storyline 3.10 (and likely in later versions too) becasue SetStatus i..."
  • over 6 years ago11/17/17 at 7:10 pm (UTC)