Serena Pillay
Serena Pillay
Serena Pillay replied to the discussion USING IMAGES IN FEEDBACK RESPONSE
"thanks, will be a good feature"
  • over 2 years ago03/23/22 at 2:55 am (UTC)
Serena Pillay started a new discussion USING IMAGES IN FEEDBACK RESPONSE
"Hi there :) Does anyone know if it's possible to add an image to the feedback responses (correct/incorrect) on Rise? For topics a bit mor..."
  • over 2 years ago03/23/22 at 1:52 am (UTC)
"+1 for this to be included on the roadmap "
  • over 3 years ago03/22/21 at 3:21 am (UTC)
"+1 for adding this feature please, especially considering the nature of work now"
  • almost 4 years ago09/10/20 at 12:42 am (UTC)
"+1 for passing score to have the option of being set from variable as well as score :) "
  • almost 4 years ago08/21/20 at 4:24 am (UTC)
Serena Pillay replied to the discussion drag problem with video seekbar
"Hi all. also subscribing here for updates. Hoping this can be fixed soon."
  • over 4 years ago02/27/20 at 5:24 am (UTC)
Serena Pillay replied to the discussion Seek Bar Issue
"Hi there. Not sure if this is the right thread but I am also experiencing the same "crazy" as Bob. I understand that there are seek..."
  • over 4 years ago02/25/20 at 11:36 pm (UTC)
Serena Pillay replied to the discussion Windows 10 IE Edge problems
"Hi All, Just subscribing to hear any solutions. I have a few clients using IE. Our course was developed using SL360 and inclu..."
  • over 4 years ago12/02/19 at 12:32 am (UTC)
Serena Pillay started a new discussion trigger to launch webcam
"Is there any way that I can include a button with a trigger that launches the webcam. Essentailly, we want to make learning more engaging..."
  • over 4 years ago10/29/19 at 6:06 am (UTC)
"Def a required feature..."
  • almost 5 years ago10/02/19 at 5:50 am (UTC)
Serena Pillay replied to the discussion NEW IN STORYLINE 360: Slide Numbers
"Thanks for sharing Chris. Definitely need to be able to reset the progress."
  • 5 years ago06/27/19 at 5:12 am (UTC)
Serena Pillay replied to the discussion NEW IN STORYLINE 360: Slide Numbers
"Great feature. Question- how do I ensure that the progress of project% is reset if i have a retake button (trigger = restart course) at t..."
  • 5 years ago06/27/19 at 4:23 am (UTC)
Serena Pillay replied to the discussion Find and replace in Rise?
  • 5 years ago06/27/19 at 2:25 am (UTC)
Serena Pillay replied to the discussion Question Pools in Quiz
"+1 vote for question bank ;)"
  • 5 years ago05/21/19 at 1:16 am (UTC)
Serena Pillay replied to the discussion Rise - Combining multiple quiz results
  • 5 years ago05/16/19 at 4:10 am (UTC)
"HI there, Has there been any progress on this? If not, perhaps an indication of when this will be fixed?  "
  • over 5 years ago01/14/19 at 4:49 am (UTC)
Serena Pillay replied to the discussion How to customize quiz score slide in Rise
"This would GREAT! I agree, currently the user is kinda left hanging as to what action to take next. The ability to add a paragraph under ..."
  • almost 6 years ago09/27/18 at 4:47 am (UTC)
"Hi there, using SL360, project published for HTML (and using Modern Player) - experiencing the same issue..."
  • almost 6 years ago09/13/18 at 7:27 am (UTC)
"Same here. Clients are not happy with the way JAWS reads the SL quizzes. Along with the false up/down arrow instruction, the invalid feed..."
  • 6 years ago06/28/18 at 1:06 am (UTC)
Serena Pillay started a new discussion Dynamic Logo
"Hi there Articulate wizards, Need some help with the following: Currently, we use the same training package for different clients. Wha..."
  • 6 years ago06/27/18 at 11:16 pm (UTC)
Serena Pillay replied to the discussion Javascript example
"Thanks a mill"
  • 6 years ago06/27/18 at 11:06 pm (UTC)
Serena Pillay replied to the discussion Javascript example
"Hi there Articulate wizards, I am not great (AT ALL) at JAVA Script and need some help/suggestions. I have 1 project published and uploa..."
  • 6 years ago06/27/18 at 5:40 am (UTC)