Images not appearing in Chrome

Feb 18, 2019

I have a project that when previewed shows all 6 of the images on my slide. However, when I publish to HTML5 and then view the project in Chrome (Version 72.0.3626.109) 4 of the 6 images do not appear. But, when I view it in IE, FireFox, or Edge, all is good.

Has anyone else run into this problem? I know that previous version sof Chrome caused some issues, but hadn't seen anything related to this newest version.

38 Replies
Chuck Sigmund

I see that another user has reported exactly the same issue ( I should have also mentioned on my ticket that the image/button, though not visible, does still work - it just does not show.

Daniel Solove

I am having a similar issue.  This was a longstanding bug with Safari that had existed for about a year.  Now, it has spread to Chrome.  Here's my thread about it:

There are some workarounds, but they all involve having to republish every module. For those of us like me who have hundreds and hundreds of modules, this is a horrible nightmare.  

Leslie McKerchie


It sounds like you are running into the issue we are working on as well.

One of the potential workarounds for some users has been:

Set player size to "Lock player at optimal size" instead of "Scale player to fill browser window"

As Alyssa mentioned, our team is working on this and you should now be subscribed to the conversation here to be notified of any updates we have to share.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Daniel,

It looks like you've been working in a support case with Renato as well.

I'm going to add this note to your case so that we can test your project in Safari with the latest SL360 publish as well. Thanks for reaching out.

Hi Martin and Chuck,

We do not have a timeline, but this conversation has been added so that we can update you as soon as we can.

Martin Abildgaard

Dear Articulate staff

I would like to respectfully point out that the recent issue with Google Chrome is not being handled very well from your side:

1. There has been no official communication from Articulate about the issue. It was by pure chance I discovered the problem. I wonder how many Articulate users out there who are still unaware of the problem. I think there should have been an official communication from your side to all the customers potentially affected by a problem of this magnitude - you do have our e-mails, right? Or you could at the very least have made a sticky note on the forum describing the problem, possible solutions and what's being done to fix it.

2. When asking when a fix for Storyline 3 would be available, I was told that you do not have a timeline - I could not even be informed whether the outlook was days, weeks or months. To me this is a useless reply and not something that puts my mind at ease. I have a userbase of +50,000 people and a ton of modules not working in Chrome, and I need to know that you are hard at work to fix the problem and expect to release a fix within XX days/weeks/months so I can make plans on how to proceed from here. I don't know what's going on behind the scenes, but from my customer perspective it doesn't seem like this is something that has very high priority from your side (hopefully it has).   

So please tell me that you are hard at work on a Storyline 3 fix, and when you expect to release it.

Daniel Solove

Martin -- There's a fix in SL360, so if you download a free trial of that, you can fix the issue.  Rather than wait for a fix for SL3, with no announced date in sight and no sense of urgency, I have started a free trial of SL360 and am republishing all my courses -- which number in the hundreds.  

For us SL3 users, I don't understand why a fix wasn't released when SL360 was fixed so promptly.  As a SL3 user, I feel like a second-class citizen and a bit of a chump for buying SL3 rather than SL360.  I think that Articulate wants everyone to move to SL360.  Instead of just making everyone move to SL360, they offer SL3 but just don't give it much love in the hopes that people will go to SL360.  I will likely be switching to SL360, and the money I spent on SL3 is down the drain.  This experience makes me feel bitter towards Articulate.  I don't think that this is what Articulate intended, as I think they care about keeping customers happy, but the result of what they're doing here sure makes me feel a bit cheated as an SL3 user. 

This layer problem existed for well over a year on Safari, and my staff and I brought it to the attention of Articulate a long time ago.  Nothing was done to fix it.  I wish they had been more proactive on this problem because perhaps they could have fixed it a while ago before it spread to Chrome. 

Chrome broke hundreds of my modules affecting probably 500,000+ users, most of whom use Chrome.  My staff and I did extensive testing, trying all sorts of things -- resizing the modules, locking the players, etc. in both SL3 and SL360.  Locking the player size helps, as does resizing the modules, but the best fix so far is SL360 with scaling, which fixes most of the problems except some issues on iPad.    

It would have been great for Articulate to do various forms of testing like I did and release the information -- that would have saved us tons of hours.  When a change in Chrome breaks so many modules and breaks them in ways that make them often impossible to navigate, this is a 10 out of 10 on the problem scale -- it's a zero day problem.  Articulate was quick to respond in the forums and did roll out a quick fix for SL360, but I agree that more should have been done given the nature of the problem.  Perhaps an email to users alerting them to a problem of this magnitude.  A quicker fix for SL3 users who are left out in the cold.  And a lot more info released about work-arounds, etc.  For SL3 users, Articulate should have recommended using SL360 at least temporarily to republish their modules. 

I hope that Articulate learns something here about how to treat customers. They messed up quite badly this time.  I also think that Articulate should end the charade about SL3.  It should just sell SL360.  If it's not willing to treat SL3 with the same level of promptness and care as SL360, then it should just give SL3 users a credit for what they paid and move them to SL360.  


Alyssa Gomez

Hi Martin and Daniel,

I hear your frustration around how we are handling recent issues with Google Chrome 72 in Storyline 3, and I'm sorry to hear we've let you down. I will update the team on how these bugs are impacting your work.

We're targeting to release a new update to Storyline 3 in early-to-mid March, and that update will include the same fixes that we've already released in Storyline 360. As soon as that update is released, we'll let you know.

Chuck Sigmund

Hi Alyssa - Thanks for responding. However, I have to echo Daniel's and Mark's frustration. This issue is impacting literally thousands of users across our organization, and having an ETA that is weeks away when we have critical training that needs to be deployed and completed does not feel like a satisfactory response. Do you have any suggestions for an interim solution that does not require rebuilding these courses or using SL360 (which we cannot use for many of our courses because of internal policies)?

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