Last Post Replies
Paul Tilley
This may be a little off the topic of ELing but it all crosses over.  Iv been tasked with exploring options to use VR within a classroom setting that may also be linke...
over 6 years ago
By Dave Goodman
Dan Huber
I'm a video producer creating content for early education teachers. I want to build courses that explore new ways of using video. I know how to create professional lin...
over 6 years ago
By Dan Huber
Roland Straub
Hi all On attached story slide, I want to hide just the "thumb-up" picture on the base layer, once the learner clicks on any one of the groups 01 - 10. How do I do t...
over 6 years ago
By Wendy Farmer
Wanda Smith
State evaluators are focused on the time a student is in the course. We set a time for each slide and customers were unhappy. So we reduced time to minimal. Now the St...
over 6 years ago
By Mark Anderson
Happy New Year, Heroes! I wanted to start the year off by sharing a menu template for Storyline 360. The template is fully editable so you can update the text, graphi...
over 6 years ago
By Montse
Shehab Amin
I'm a maths teacher who is looking forward to do the following on LMS   • Recorded lesson in no more than 30 minutes • Quiz based on what I taught a short one which...
over 6 years ago
By Shehab Amin
Are you speaking at DevLearn 2017?  Use this thread to "advertise" your session! Being accepted is just the 1st hurdle, the next is getting people to attend.  I would...
over 6 years ago
By Owen Ou
Amanda Miles
Hi everyone, I am creating a course in which I have to show different people thinking about different things. Instead of using call outs and bubbles to show their tho...
over 6 years ago
By Don Bolen
Hoffman  EMS Consulting
Dear community, I have a question I am hoping you can answer.  I have a correct slide in my storyline. It previews fine when I watch it on my computer in entire proje...
over 6 years ago
By Hoffman EMS Consulting
Aprilla Kuswara
Hi everyone, I am Aprilla. I am a student at Sebelas Maret University. I am doing my final project now. It is about decision support system to choose the appropriate o...
over 6 years ago
By Aprilla Kuswara
Amy Adair-Gregory
Looking for recommendations for an LMS solution for a small business of less than 1200 employees.  We are currently using Articulate Online as a patch but in need of a...
over 6 years ago
By Amy Adair-Gregory
sharon amer
hello, My client has some videos on the LMS: Initially, I saved the videos as an .flv format (attaching FlashPlayer to the file) then exported/saved them to Scorm pac...
over 6 years ago
Erika T
I am collaborating with an independent school district on the Texas Educator Code of Ethics. The only way I can think to make them interesting is maybe some sort of ga...
over 6 years ago
By Scott Burnett
Ellyn White
I am having a heck of a time creating a retry attempt on my results slide. I followed the instructions (added a variable with the initial state to 0, added the trigger...
over 6 years ago
By Ellyn White
Wanda Smith
A state requirement says a course should have a customer survey at the end of every course.  If the course has a post test, can a survey slide be added at the end. How...
over 6 years ago
By Wanda Smith
Matt Round
Hi all - I have been looking today at linking out to an Excel worksheet from a Storyline project. It seems from testing that there is no issue with creating some kind...
over 6 years ago
By Allison LaMotte
Eboni Jackson
So I want to a button on the main menu to remain unclickable until the user completes a certain set of slides. Is that possible? Thank you E-Learning Heroes.
over 6 years ago
By Eboni Jackson
Paul Alders
Hi everyone,  Here is my Freebie for this week. A little late this time, but at the beginning of this week, I was asked to build a drag and drop interaction with a 'l...
over 6 years ago
By Leon William
Peter Faulhaber
Hi  I use chrome on Galaxy S7. When I open the Articulate community site and click on search button the search bar peeks up but closes also immediately. So I cannot ...
over 6 years ago
By Peter Faulhaber
Sandy Sobotka
We are switching from years of using Captivate for application training demos to Storyline. First step ... create a template. We have this criteria. The content ar...
over 6 years ago
By Allison LaMotte