Erin Sadler
Erin Sadler
Erin Sadler replied to the discussion Using a dial to control a slider
"I FOUND IT! Hah, I never spotted that before - brilliant, ace, thank you!"
  • almost 5 years ago07/09/19 at 1:31 pm (UTC)
Erin Sadler replied to the discussion Using a dial to control a slider
"I found it (slider tools > design tab > slider properties if anyone else is looking!) Thanks so much, that's spot on :D"
  • almost 5 years ago07/09/19 at 1:31 pm (UTC)
"Make another feedback master with the new positioning, and apply that only to the layers where you want this to show :)"
  • almost 5 years ago07/04/19 at 1:11 pm (UTC)
"Ours can be a bit awkward this way - without getting too technical, if you use the same file name, it often doesn't load the new files (e..."
  • almost 5 years ago07/03/19 at 10:04 am (UTC)
Erin Sadler replied to the discussion Result slides
"When you insert a graded results slide, you should see a dialog box for the results slide properties (attached). This should list all the..."
  • 5 years ago05/28/19 at 3:11 pm (UTC)
Erin Sadler replied to the discussion How to add states on Hotspots
"This still didn't display the visited shape. I cannot use a condition because it will only show layer if shape is visited and I want the ..."
  • 5 years ago05/28/19 at 1:37 pm (UTC)
"It's a pain, isn't it! But don't forget about the format painter tool. Although I've been noticing some inconsistencies in 360 over wheth..."
  • 5 years ago05/28/19 at 1:31 pm (UTC)
"I started the process of copying out sections into a new file. Took the first three screens - it wouldn't publish. So assuming one of tho..."
  • over 5 years ago01/11/19 at 11:08 am (UTC)
"Glad I found it! I've never used the menu before because I found it really ugly - I had no idea you could stick it there! I might use it ..."
  • over 5 years ago11/01/18 at 9:46 am (UTC)
"My mistake - it seems if you move the menu into the top bar (on the right in your case) it makes it collapsible - who knew! (not me, appa..."
  • over 5 years ago10/31/18 at 4:18 pm (UTC)
"I had a look to see if you could butcher the Resources or Glossary drop down lists to include links to internal slides in your story, but..."
  • over 5 years ago10/31/18 at 4:10 pm (UTC)
Erin Sadler replied to the discussion Story View Question
"Flipping heck this is an old one! Mary, further to that - if your first slide has no means of progression to the 'next' slide (i.e. no tr..."
  • over 5 years ago10/31/18 at 4:04 pm (UTC)
"I'll modify one of my files and send it, even privately I should probably trim it down a bit! I've attached the slide preview DD list (t..."
  • over 5 years ago09/27/18 at 8:57 am (UTC)
"Oh now look at that! Fabulous, thanks so much :) "
  • 6 years ago05/21/18 at 3:24 pm (UTC)
"Fab - my thanks!"
  • 6 years ago05/10/18 at 2:26 pm (UTC)
"Hi! Thanks for getting back to me :) The course plays with no issues in IE with Flash player installed. In Chrome, the errors are right..."
  • 6 years ago05/10/18 at 8:56 am (UTC)
"I'm still getting multiple 406 errors for javascript files on the published output, please can you advise?"
  • 6 years ago05/09/18 at 10:42 am (UTC)
"We're experiencing the same problem here - replying so I'll be notified of any updates to this thread. Is there somewhere more appropriat..."
  • 6 years ago05/08/18 at 1:15 pm (UTC)
"1: Menu 2: Section 1 3: Section 2 4: Section 3 5: Section 4 6: Section 5 7: Section 6 :)"
  • 6 years ago05/01/18 at 8:40 am (UTC)
"...although thankfully it looks fine in IE, which is our standard build *exhales*"
  • 6 years ago04/30/18 at 10:59 am (UTC)
"Oh heck, that's disappointing. Thank you :("
  • 6 years ago04/30/18 at 10:57 am (UTC)
"I wish it would start at zero! Always confuses me when I have a menu and six sections numbered 1-7 :( You can shuffle the numbers by cut..."
  • 6 years ago04/30/18 at 10:23 am (UTC)
Erin Sadler replied to the discussion Timeline length
"Anthony Saba The solution to the dragging problem is to start dragging and then press the left back arrow on  your keyboard. This will..."
  • almost 7 years ago08/16/17 at 9:09 am (UTC)
Erin Sadler replied to the discussion Trigger When "Media Reaches Time X"
"Ah - hadn't spotted that, the options are only visible once 'custom' is selected. Many thanks :)"
  • almost 8 years ago06/28/16 at 1:55 pm (UTC)
Erin Sadler replied to the discussion Trigger When "Media Reaches Time X"
"Oh wait - I think that IS the difference, because on none of your examples have you reinstated the player controls on the video. You're r..."
  • almost 8 years ago06/28/16 at 11:08 am (UTC)