Ryan Hasan
Ryan Hasan
"I have figured out the problem. Please disregard, now. RYAN HASAN Senior Communications Designer E. rhasan@verdani.com W. www.verdani..."
  • 4 months ago04/01/24 at 9:12 pm (UTC)
"I am having this problem for a second time on the same project: No password set for the course, marked to allow people w/o Articulate IDs..."
  • 4 months ago03/29/24 at 4:46 pm (UTC)
"Thank you for your response, but are you talking about Storyline? I am referring to Rise."
  • over 2 years ago02/12/22 at 1:32 am (UTC)
Ryan Hasan started a new discussion Correct answers in Multiple Response content block
"I need the user to get a "correct" response if s/he chooses either of the two correct answers. However, the user apparently will only get..."
  • over 2 years ago02/11/22 at 10:52 pm (UTC)
"I have determined that the issue is that the user has to select all of the correct responses to get "correct" feedback. We want them to g..."
  • over 2 years ago02/10/22 at 6:18 pm (UTC)
"I just did that and is still happening."
  • over 2 years ago02/09/22 at 9:44 pm (UTC)
"And this is happening for me in Chrome, Edge and Internet Explorer. And has happened for a collaborator, as well."
  • over 2 years ago02/09/22 at 9:31 pm (UTC)
"The last from scratch test was a lesson, not a quiz. You are apparently doing a quiz, above. I therefore recreated from scratch, again, b..."
  • over 2 years ago02/09/22 at 9:28 pm (UTC)
"It even happens when I add the Multiple Response block and don't change anything."
  • over 2 years ago02/09/22 at 7:26 pm (UTC)
"Both Trust and Verify are both correct answers."
  • over 2 years ago02/09/22 at 7:24 pm (UTC)
"I just fully recreated from scratch (no duplicating), and the problem is still happening."
  • over 2 years ago02/09/22 at 7:21 pm (UTC)
"I've seen other threads regarding this same problem, and posted in them, but have not gotten a response yet. Also, all of those are old t..."
  • over 2 years ago02/09/22 at 1:17 am (UTC)
"It happens with both. Two different lessons. And in the one where it was initially a Multiple Choice, I recreated it as a Multiple Select..."
  • over 2 years ago02/07/22 at 10:49 pm (UTC)
Ryan Hasan replied to the discussion Multiple response question broken?
"This is the fourth thread I've found in the community forums re: this problem. So, it's definitely not just me."
  • over 2 years ago02/07/22 at 10:18 pm (UTC)
Ryan Hasan replied to the discussion Multiple response question broken?
"I am having this same problem in two different lessons, one of which started life as a Multiple Select, and one that did not. This workar..."
  • over 2 years ago02/07/22 at 10:17 pm (UTC)
"I am having this same problem in two different lessons, one of which started life as a Multiple Select, and one that did not. This workar..."
  • over 2 years ago02/07/22 at 10:15 pm (UTC)
"I am having this same problem in two different lessons, one of which started life as a Multiple Select, and one that did not. This workar..."
  • over 2 years ago02/07/22 at 10:15 pm (UTC)
"I am having the exact same problem in not one but two lessons where I am using the Multiple Select content block. Has there been an..."
  • over 2 years ago02/07/22 at 10:06 pm (UTC)
Ryan Hasan replied to the discussion Increase the font size in the menu
"I, too, need to be able to increase the font size of the lesson names in the course outline on the course home page. Are there any update..."
  • over 2 years ago01/14/22 at 8:59 pm (UTC)
Ryan Hasan replied to the discussion Fonts installation
"Thank you. These are the fonts."
  • over 2 years ago11/15/21 at 8:21 pm (UTC)
Ryan Hasan replied to the discussion Fonts installation
"Yep. But, when I told it to use Knockout for headers and Garamond for body, it still used Garamond for headers. It was not until I resort..."
  • over 2 years ago11/05/21 at 5:02 pm (UTC)
Ryan Hasan replied to the discussion Fonts installation
"I have uploaded two fonts and chosen one family for headings and one for body in the customize theme section, and saved those choices, bu..."
  • over 2 years ago11/04/21 at 6:16 pm (UTC)