Ryan Passey
Ryan Passey
Instructional Designer at Zions Bancorp
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  • Salt Lake City, Utah
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Ryan Passey replied to the discussion Drag Along a Motion Path
"Thanks! Yeah, I discovered those settings, and changing it from the default of 10 steps to 1000 has the same result. Very smo..."
  • 7 days ago07/19/24 at 8:05 pm (UTC)
Ryan Passey replied to the discussion Drag Along a Motion Path
"Thanks Nathanial! Elizabeth's reply was closer to what I was looking for, but if the choppyness bugs me too much, I'll dive m..."
  • 8 days ago07/18/24 at 4:04 pm (UTC)
Ryan Passey replied to the discussion Drag Along a Motion Path
"Nice! Thank you Elizabeth! I know about sliders, but didn't know they could be image customizable. I looked to see if i..."
  • 8 days ago07/18/24 at 4:02 pm (UTC)
Ryan Passey started a new discussion Drag Along a Motion Path
"Is it possible to drag an object along a designated motion path? This could be used to drag a car image straight along a road to th..."
  • 10 days ago07/16/24 at 5:02 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Karl! I responded to the bottom of page one comments, didn't realize there was a page 2. Ryan Passey Instructional Designer ER..."
  • 1 year ago07/07/23 at 10:39 pm (UTC)
Ryan Passey replied to the discussion Revisiting Visited Slides
"That totally did it. Thank You!! If I could I'd email you a candy bar in appreciation. Thanks again! -Ryan"
  • over 1 year ago03/29/23 at 10:59 pm (UTC)
Ryan Passey replied to the discussion Revisiting Visited Slides
"I know I can combine all 6 slides into one, but that would end up being a very large, heavily programmed slide, and take a long time to f..."
  • over 1 year ago03/29/23 at 7:54 pm (UTC)
Ryan Passey started a new discussion Revisiting Visited Slides
"I have a series of 6 slides that are essentially 1 page to the learner. However, each slide has it's own timing, interactivity, and anima..."
  • over 1 year ago03/29/23 at 7:54 pm (UTC)
Ryan Passey started a new discussion Getting out of an IF THEN OR statement
"Is it possible to jump out of a multi IF condition statement once one of the conditions has been satisfied? For example: IF&nb..."
  • almost 4 years ago10/05/20 at 8:57 pm (UTC)
Ryan Passey replied to the discussion Variables within variables
"Got it. It wasn't looking like this was possible, but wanted to ask to make sure. Thanks!"
  • almost 4 years ago10/05/20 at 8:34 pm (UTC)
Ryan Passey started a new discussion Variables within variables
"Is it possible to program a variable inside a variable? For example - whatever x is determines which "y" variable is affected...."
  • almost 4 years ago10/05/20 at 5:53 pm (UTC)
Ryan Passey replied to the discussion Tables in Rise
"+ 1 more.  "
  • over 5 years ago12/11/18 at 4:01 pm (UTC)
Ryan Passey replied to the discussion Jumping positions to Cue point
"I just got 360.  I'd love to hear that "Jump to Cue Point", or a similar feature was added to this newest version.  I've looked for it, b..."
  • over 6 years ago03/27/18 at 3:38 pm (UTC)
"Hadn't caught that before.  Thanks."
  • 8 years ago05/10/16 at 7:54 pm (UTC)
"I don't know if you've discovered this yet, but I found that my right click function is on the second layer of the page.  When I moved it..."
  • 8 years ago05/10/16 at 7:43 pm (UTC)
"Here it is.  Good Luck.  I'm guessing looking at this will not inspire a solution, but if you happen to see anything that I might try, pl..."
  • 8 years ago05/04/16 at 8:54 pm (UTC)
"This whole thing is pretty big,  I'll try to isolate the page with the issue as it's own .story and attach it here."
  • 8 years ago05/04/16 at 8:45 pm (UTC)
"The trigger IS on the second layer, or rather the first layer after the main page.  There are 6 extra layers attached to that page and th..."
  • 8 years ago05/04/16 at 8:33 pm (UTC)
"I'm having this issue too, but in preview mode.  Is there any solution to this yet?  I'll change a hotspot to regular (left) click to sho..."
  • 8 years ago05/04/16 at 6:39 pm (UTC)
Ryan Passey replied to the discussion Results Slide calculation messed up
"Hey friends, I think I figured out what was wrong.  Within the course I had a few "pop quizzes" they did not count towards the final scor..."
  • over 8 years ago04/08/16 at 7:00 pm (UTC)
Ryan Passey replied to the discussion Results Slide calculation messed up
"I appreciate the help.  I checked the last Storyline project I made and the results slide is calculating perfectly, so it looks like it's..."
  • over 8 years ago04/08/16 at 2:15 pm (UTC)
Ryan Passey started a new discussion Results Slide calculation messed up
"Hey guys.  I figure I musta messed something up and I don't know how to fix it. I can get every question right, but the results slide sho..."
  • over 8 years ago04/07/16 at 10:21 pm (UTC)
Ryan Passey replied to the discussion Diasble hotspots
"I just tried that, and something's still quirky.  My links are blue text with no underline.  When I hover over the link I change the stat..."
  • over 9 years ago01/12/15 at 7:40 pm (UTC)
Ryan Passey replied to the discussion Diasble hotspots
"Good to know, though I am disappointed.  I tried programming a rectangle shape to do it first, but had issues.  I'll try it again.  It ju..."
  • over 9 years ago01/12/15 at 7:17 pm (UTC)
Ryan Passey started a new discussion Diasble hotspots
"I'm having trouble finding out how to disable a hotspot in Storyline 2.  I'm sure it's a simple fix, and I'll probably kick myself when I..."
  • over 9 years ago01/12/15 at 7:06 pm (UTC)