Tracy Windsor
Tracy Windsor
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
Tracy Windsor started a new discussion Searching a zip file
"Our company is switching where our policies are being kept. I can search a storyline zip file for and it will return the js f..."
  • 3 months ago05/09/24 at 9:21 pm (UTC)
Tracy Windsor replied to the discussion Rise: Default Font Size
"Checking to see if any progress has been made on this request?"
  • 8 months ago11/21/23 at 1:30 pm (UTC)
Tracy Windsor replied to the discussion Adjusting bullet leading in Rise
"Add me to the 'get 'er' done list. I would love to have more control over the line spacing with bulleted items!"
  • 11 months ago09/08/23 at 1:07 pm (UTC)
Tracy Windsor replied to the discussion Workday LMS and Rise
"Okay I see this thread is over two years old. I'm having an issue with Rise and Workday. Hoping some may have a solution. My Issue: I h..."
  • 11 months ago08/25/23 at 5:17 pm (UTC)
Tracy Windsor replied to the discussion Links opening in custom sized window
"Also wondering -- We use Workday. We have an issue where links are opening in new tabs in IE. The Rise course is pushed to the back. When..."
  • over 1 year ago03/08/23 at 5:54 pm (UTC)
Tracy Windsor replied to the discussion Transfer bulk ownership in Rise
"I'm just going to chime in with everyone else. I had a user on vacation. I needed a course. I had to transfer all 157 courses to me in or..."
  • over 1 year ago01/05/23 at 12:13 pm (UTC)
"Well hot-diggity-dog .. that worked! woo hoo Now, if you have a solution for getting SnagIt to work on this laptop lol... Th..."
  • over 1 year ago11/08/22 at 1:00 pm (UTC)
"I'll check that out tomorrow -- when I'm working from home. Works fine in the office. I'll keep you posted!"
  • over 1 year ago11/07/22 at 2:00 pm (UTC)
"Okay that didn't work. On my laptop monitor it just gives the wrong color, on the external monitor it still gives the wrong color, but th..."
  • over 1 year ago11/04/22 at 6:07 pm (UTC)
"Today 11/4/2022 I have the same issue. The eye dropper won't pick up the correct colors. I get an occasional Green and Blue when hover ov..."
  • over 1 year ago11/04/22 at 6:00 pm (UTC)
"Throwing my vote into the ring as well!"
  • 2 years ago05/20/22 at 1:03 pm (UTC)
Tracy Windsor replied to the discussion Sharing folders from Review 360?
"Add me to the 'share' list!!! What a great feature that would be!"
  • over 2 years ago02/22/22 at 5:51 pm (UTC)
"I'm just doing a happy dance."
  • over 2 years ago11/16/21 at 1:16 am (UTC)
"You rock!!!!!! That's it. "
  • over 2 years ago11/16/21 at 1:12 am (UTC)
"Doh. So frustrated forgot. When I click the menu button it doesn't appear to keep the pt1 variable."
  • over 2 years ago11/16/21 at 12:47 am (UTC)
Tracy Windsor started a new discussion Next button with Variable not carrying over to my Menu
"I have a menu with 9 buttons. Each button takes me to a section. I've created 9 T/F variables and set each to false. When I get..."
  • over 2 years ago11/15/21 at 11:29 pm (UTC)
"woot woot! Thanks for that info!"
  • 3 years ago07/15/21 at 2:38 pm (UTC)
"Has this issue been resolved yet? I'm having the same issue where I can't open in a previous version. I used to use the 'Use Modern Text'..."
  • 3 years ago07/15/21 at 2:25 pm (UTC)
"Thanks... I was able to move my 'next' button inside at the bottom of the scroll box so that works, but while review..."
  • over 3 years ago01/06/21 at 2:46 pm (UTC)
Tracy Windsor started a new discussion Scrolling panel -do not advance until viewed
"Hello. I have a course I've built with a scrolling panel. It has been requested that the learner not be able to advance until after scrol..."
  • over 3 years ago01/06/21 at 11:32 am (UTC)
"The attachment is in this thread above your post."
  • almost 4 years ago10/02/20 at 9:45 am (UTC)
"I sent the files as an attachment to the support team … but here it is again."
  • almost 4 years ago09/30/20 at 2:26 pm (UTC)
"Okay that didn't work.. I removed a bunch of stuff and am trying again. tw"
  • almost 4 years ago09/28/20 at 4:39 pm (UTC)
"Sigh.. that didn't work. I changed all the questions to resume and the player... didn't work. Sending attachment via email."
  • almost 4 years ago09/28/20 at 4:20 pm (UTC)
"I have several courses (getting ready for the Flash to go away) that were created in Articulate. I'm importing those courses into Storyli..."
  • almost 4 years ago09/24/20 at 3:12 pm (UTC)