Dwayne Schamp
Dwayne Schamp
Sr. learning consultant at The Hartford
"The story,html file launches the content in the HTML5 folder as needed, which is the HTML5 version of the course. THere is no stock HTML ..."
  • 3 years ago06/02/21 at 5:55 pm (UTC)
"Same functionality in PPT and Word. There is a limit to the height based on the size of the font. If you make the table wider, or the tex..."
  • 3 years ago06/02/21 at 5:36 pm (UTC)
"I just add my comments, notes, etc. outside the visible frame and note them as *Comments in the timeline"
  • 3 years ago06/01/21 at 8:41 pm (UTC)
"It's all HTML5 now as Flash was discontinued, so there is no option as HTML5 is the ONLY option. I assume that's what you are asking abou..."
  • 3 years ago05/28/21 at 4:49 pm (UTC)
"When you say "embedded", do you mean as an actual video on the timeline, or as a web object that links out to a video on youtube? If the ..."
  • 3 years ago05/27/21 at 3:59 pm (UTC)
"Yeah, this is a hard thing to create in a full elearning tool. Most of the high quality, natural voices are standalone options, as that i..."
  • 3 years ago05/24/21 at 6:42 pm (UTC)
"You can create a custom template and use that as the starting point for you future projects. Under file, use Save As..., then select Stor..."
  • 3 years ago05/24/21 at 6:04 pm (UTC)
Dwayne Schamp replied to the discussion Where is the Exit button?
"Hi Julie, It's not in the player options by default, you'll need to add it in the player tab. The image below should help."
  • 3 years ago05/20/21 at 4:53 pm (UTC)
Dwayne Schamp replied to the discussion Error Report
"I pulled this down and did some testing. The issue seems to be with this one text string. It has some weird characters at the end, looks ..."
  • 3 years ago05/14/21 at 9:02 pm (UTC)
"I version control all my courses, which prevents this from happening. Opening a file for the day to work on, it gets revved a version. I ..."
  • 3 years ago05/14/21 at 8:47 pm (UTC)
"In my experience with accessibility, CC's should always be white on black. This is for commonality with 99.9% of the CC that already exis..."
  • 3 years ago05/07/21 at 8:28 pm (UTC)
"using the above code: You'll need to add the variable SystemDate to your course. Then insert a textbox on the slide, and enter: %SystemDa..."
  • 3 years ago04/28/21 at 3:07 pm (UTC)
Dwayne Schamp replied to the discussion Paused video goes blank
"If it's just a video, have you tried using a web object to play the video? i've attached a short index.html file that does this. Put the ..."
  • 3 years ago04/28/21 at 3:01 pm (UTC)
"A couple ways to tackle this. 1. Use the Video Tools drop down to set the "play videos" option (as in attached png.) and set triggers for..."
  • over 3 years ago04/23/21 at 8:52 pm (UTC)
Dwayne Schamp replied to the discussion Bug with a button
"That is weird. It's almost as if the drag&drop function takes control of the screen and you have to click anywhere off a draggable ob..."
  • over 3 years ago04/19/21 at 2:57 pm (UTC)
"Here's the code I used in the webobject window: https://www.youtube.com/embed/IM0AWdTLw-s?controls=1 the "controls=1" will add the contro..."
  • over 3 years ago04/19/21 at 2:50 pm (UTC)
Dwayne Schamp replied to the discussion Engage interaction in storyline
"I have an open/working case (02703078) on this issue as well. It does not happen in IE or Edge that I have seen in my implementation, onl..."
  • over 3 years ago04/19/21 at 2:40 pm (UTC)
Dwayne Schamp replied to the discussion Changing State of Next Button
"There are built in states for the player next and previous button as shown in the image. Just select the Next button as the object to cha..."
  • over 3 years ago04/16/21 at 3:02 pm (UTC)
Dwayne Schamp replied to the discussion Length of course count down.
"The Project.Progress breaks the course into divided values; so a 5 slide course would be 5 values, starting with 20% and ending with 100%..."
  • over 3 years ago04/09/21 at 7:14 pm (UTC)
Dwayne Schamp replied to the discussion Number and calculation Help
"Hi Lauren, yes you can do this. Here's a thread in the forum that might help. just get the actions in the correct order. https..."
  • over 3 years ago04/06/21 at 4:06 pm (UTC)
"So I took this a bit further. Using the code Owen started. I added a slider to allow for speed adjustment using 0.25 and 1.75 as the lowe..."
  • over 3 years ago04/02/21 at 6:13 pm (UTC)
"Hi Allen, Have you checked the Publish Quality settings? maybe the quality was altered by mistake? "
  • over 3 years ago04/02/21 at 2:04 pm (UTC)
"Hi Karla, This thread might help: https://community.articulate.com/discussions/articulate-storyline/change-player-button-label-only-..."
  • over 3 years ago04/02/21 at 1:59 pm (UTC)
"So, have you used the "player.Setvar("varname",var_value); in the embedded course, AND can you see that you can read that update from the..."
  • over 3 years ago04/01/21 at 8:50 pm (UTC)
Dwayne Schamp replied to the discussion Selecting Motion Paths
"You and me both! I do miss the advanced simplicity of Authorware, everything since seems a step backwards. "
  • over 3 years ago03/30/21 at 7:36 pm (UTC)