Jonathon Casterline
Jonathon Casterline
Jonathon Casterline replied to the discussion Articlulate 360 - Closed Captions in mp4 Videos
"A work-a-round that I have used is: 1. Publish the course as an .mp4 2. Create a new slide (either in a new course or a separate scene in..."
  • 3 years ago06/24/21 at 6:52 pm (UTC)
"After many attempts and trial and error Today I found that if I make the story (slide) dimensions the same as the screen recording resolu..."
  • 3 years ago06/09/21 at 7:20 pm (UTC)
Jonathon Casterline replied to the discussion Captions for Publishing a Course to a Video File
"The lack of captions for video output, ability to export the entire projects captions as a single file and the poor rendering quality of ..."
  • 3 years ago06/02/21 at 9:06 pm (UTC)
Jonathon Casterline replied to the discussion Captions for Publishing a Course to a Video File
"Publishing as a video with closed captions is an essential feature/need. Please include this in a future update, as well as the ability t..."
  • over 3 years ago01/13/21 at 9:19 pm (UTC)
Jonathon Casterline replied to the discussion Articlulate 360 - Closed Captions in mp4 Videos
"Add me as well."
  • over 3 years ago01/13/21 at 9:07 pm (UTC)
"Is there a way to separate the audio from the video track in Replay 360? "split audio from video" so that you can edit the video and aud..."
  • 4 years ago05/12/20 at 6:01 pm (UTC)
"This is a feature in a competitors application for screen recording that I use frequently they call it "extend frame". Where you can cut ..."
  • 4 years ago05/12/20 at 5:53 pm (UTC)
"Will Articulate be releasing an update that allows the developer to turn off the ugly "play button" without having a crazy workaround of ..."
  • over 5 years ago04/03/19 at 7:37 pm (UTC)
"Morten is 110% correct in this post. The lack of quality screen recording and the multiple issues with HTML5 playback with Edge and IE11 ..."
  • over 5 years ago03/20/19 at 7:36 pm (UTC)
"Kim could you explain the process that you used in SABA to correct this issu"
  • almost 8 years ago08/11/16 at 1:49 pm (UTC)
Jonathon Casterline replied to the discussion Text to speech software recommendations?
"I get it... not taking a jab at you.  sometimes you have to use what you can and get by with it (we all do). I  frequently see people di..."
  • over 8 years ago03/04/16 at 5:28 pm (UTC)
Jonathon Casterline replied to the discussion Text to speech software recommendations?
"If you need "quality"... use a real person.  just sayin' ;)"
  • over 8 years ago03/04/16 at 4:29 pm (UTC)
"I was able to get it to work by adding a variable.... when timeline starts set variable to "0". for each of the questions slides.   thank..."
  • over 8 years ago02/19/16 at 1:18 pm (UTC)
"Could you explain  these steps a bit more.  I tried adding a trigger for resetting variables when the "retry quiz" button was clicked on ..."
  • over 8 years ago02/18/16 at 7:03 pm (UTC)
"Could someone list the steps needed to "reset" a pick many question that has already been view, answered and submitted, to be "tried agai..."
  • over 8 years ago02/17/16 at 7:27 pm (UTC)
Jonathon Casterline replied to the discussion Font Spacing Issue with Storyline2
"Yes, these steps fixed the issue.  Thank you!"
  • over 8 years ago02/10/16 at 1:11 pm (UTC)
Jonathon Casterline replied to the discussion Font Spacing Issue with Storyline2
"The spacing issue is in the .story file when I open it on my PC, but does not happen on the developers PC. Example 1 on my PC. Example ..."
  • over 8 years ago02/02/16 at 9:39 pm (UTC)
Jonathon Casterline started a new discussion Font Spacing Issue with Storyline2
"Has anyone encountered in issue when a course is created the line spacing is set to "exactly 14pt" but when viewed on another computer th..."
  • over 8 years ago02/02/16 at 5:50 pm (UTC)
"Could you post the process you would recommend to be used. when a slide is revisited but you don't want the voice over to repeat itself u..."
  • almost 9 years ago08/05/15 at 12:30 pm (UTC)
Jonathon Casterline replied to the discussion Text to speech software recommendations?
"OR.... you could just spend $50-$100 on a USB mic that plugs directly into your computer, sit in your walk-in closet and record a human v..."
  • almost 9 years ago07/30/15 at 1:28 pm (UTC)
"For other that have this issue I have two work-a-rounds that I have used. 1. Recreate the text boxes in another application like Photosh..."
  • 9 years ago06/16/15 at 6:31 pm (UTC)
"Thank you! I had this issue previously and never submitted a ticket since it was posted already (I know better now). I was able to find ..."
  • 9 years ago06/16/15 at 6:19 pm (UTC)
"Here are some examples."
  • 9 years ago06/16/15 at 5:48 pm (UTC)
Jonathon Casterline replied to the discussion Feature Request Status
"I vote "yes" for the feature request to let you vote on feature requests. ;)"
  • 9 years ago06/16/15 at 1:04 pm (UTC)
"Leslie - It seems that the disappearing text boxes has been an issue for awhile (as I searched around the forum for fixes) do you know if..."
  • 9 years ago06/16/15 at 12:35 pm (UTC)