Pete Rix
Pete Rix
Senior Designer at Maestro
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  • Kalamazoo, MI
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"I'm presenting a long equation that starts in minutes before being converted to hours. When all values are whole numbers, the full intera..."
  • 1 year ago06/28/23 at 5:24 pm (UTC)
"I'm running into an issue where Storyline is passing a score to the LMS prior to reaching the results slide that is associated with it. T..."
  • over 1 year ago02/01/23 at 5:03 pm (UTC)
"We have a Rise course the contains Storyline blocks with input fields. Is there any way to disable the zoom when the input field is in fo..."
  • over 3 years ago03/25/21 at 1:32 pm (UTC)
"I have a course with two custom menu tabs, each displaying a slide in a lightbox (References and Terms). When I click on References,..."
  • over 3 years ago01/19/21 at 9:43 pm (UTC)
Pete Rix started a new discussion Free tool: Articulate Storyline review dashboard
"Hello! I'm Pete and I work for Maestro, a learning agency based out of Kalamazoo, Michigan. I built this tool for reviewing courses in Ar..."
  • over 3 years ago12/03/20 at 3:34 pm (UTC)
"I'm noticing a bug with the Quiz component in IE11 that I have been able to consistently replicate. The Next button that animates in fro..."
  • over 3 years ago11/06/20 at 8:55 pm (UTC)
"I'm currently working on a course in Storyline 3 that requires the player setting "Always resume" on restart. With Chrome's autoplay rest..."
  • 4 years ago06/26/20 at 3:46 pm (UTC)
"We're experiencing an issue with animating objects displaying at the wrong z-index on animate (animating objects appearing abov..."
  • over 5 years ago02/14/19 at 4:47 pm (UTC)
"Hi everybody! I've noticed something buggy with one of my files and wanted to know if anyone else has encountered this and had a workaro..."
  • almost 8 years ago09/12/16 at 2:57 pm (UTC)
Pete Rix started a new discussion When does a Result Slide send results to an LMS?
"Does this happen as the result slide loads or as the user navigates away from the results screen/exits course/closes window?"
  • 8 years ago06/08/16 at 5:46 pm (UTC)
Pete Rix started a new discussion SL1: Notes tab not scrolling in mobile Safari
"Here's the set-up: Storyline 1: Update 8 Notes panel in a tab Viewing HTML5 output in mobile Safari Can't use AMP since LMS is not ..."
  • over 9 years ago01/09/15 at 5:46 pm (UTC)
"Quiz answer shuffling works as expected when retaking a quiz in the HTML5 output but not in the Flash output (shows the same order as For..."
  • over 9 years ago11/17/14 at 2:48 pm (UTC)
"When I retake a quiz made from question banks, in the Flash version, the second and subsequent attempts pull in different questions each ..."
  • over 9 years ago10/30/14 at 7:14 pm (UTC)
Pete Rix started a new discussion Lightbox tabs with LMS tracking
"Sorry if this has been asked/addressed before in the forums. I had a hard time figuring out how to word this one in the search bar. So he..."
  • 10 years ago06/27/14 at 8:49 am (UTC)
Pete Rix started a new discussion HTML5 output stopped working
"Error Message: Error loading story_content/data.xml: error (when viewed locally and from web server) Software: Storyline (Update 5) in Wi..."
  • 10 years ago05/01/14 at 1:49 pm (UTC)
Pete Rix started a new discussion Success: Unknown in Scorm Cloud
"Here's how my publish is set up: SCORM 1.2 Reporting: Complete/Incomplete Tracking: View all slides I've uploaded the course and tested i..."
  • almost 11 years ago08/28/13 at 8:28 am (UTC)
Pete Rix started a new discussion Player tab sizing
"Is there a way to flex the size of a player tab to match the height of the content?"
  • 11 years ago07/15/13 at 7:29 am (UTC)
Pete Rix started a new discussion Leading in published notes tab
"Is it possible to change the text leading in the published notes tab? I see that you can change it within the working file, but those cha..."
  • 11 years ago06/17/13 at 11:23 am (UTC)
"Setup: Articulate Storyline Update 2 on a virtual machine (Windows 7 64 bit). I'm running into an issue to where I can't use a client pro..."
  • over 11 years ago04/26/13 at 6:21 am (UTC)