Rob Verzera
Rob Verzera
CTO at Logic Swing
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  • Raleigh, NC
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Rob Verzera started a new discussion How to check if all slides have been viewed?
"Hello all, I soliciting some advice on how best to handle this situation. I have a stand alone course (no LMS) w/ 40+ slides. Locking ..."
  • 9 years ago06/12/15 at 3:33 pm (UTC)
"Completely understand. I did post a question about using JS to do it - but I may modify it and just see if anyone else has advice. Thanks"
  • 9 years ago06/12/15 at 3:25 pm (UTC)
"As far as the how I track it - its really outside the scope here.  (I make an ajax call to php, grab a session variable that was set befo..."
  • 9 years ago06/12/15 at 3:17 pm (UTC)
"Thanks for the quick response Ashley, Sorry - I'm not understanding your question - how are you going to have them send that info...... ..."
  • 9 years ago06/12/15 at 2:28 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Ashley - but that seems to track if you are in an LMS environment or a quiz. Here is the scenario - I have a course w/ 40 slides, ..."
  • 9 years ago06/12/15 at 1:55 pm (UTC)
"Is there any javascript that can be used to set a flag to see if all slides have been visited? Take the above example and push it to 40 s..."
  • 9 years ago06/11/15 at 6:38 pm (UTC)
"Leah - Thank you SO MUCH!! It has been driving me crazy. I've even set my text box to Arial as default and it was still happening! You m..."
  • 9 years ago06/11/15 at 2:35 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion Why do new layers have a different font style?
"Hello All - Can someone please help me, I'm sure its just a setting somewhere. In my Slide Master I created a Font Theme that has Arial ..."
  • 9 years ago06/10/15 at 6:47 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera replied to the discussion Custom Storyline Keyboard Stickers
"Very cool- care to share the AHK script?  Been using AHK for years.  I have a few macros like you on the number pad - but im digging that..."
  • 9 years ago06/04/15 at 7:25 pm (UTC)
"Just curious if this has been addressed yet in any of the patches? Im seeing this same thing at random times in SL2.  I always make it a..."
  • 9 years ago05/11/15 at 8:55 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera replied to the discussion Need help on JavaScript
"Ok- this may be a dumb question - but you doing this in IE right? If memory serves correctly...ActiveXObject are only supported in Inter..."
  • over 9 years ago04/23/15 at 4:27 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion Adding an icon to a player menu item
"Hello - not sure if this is possible but- I have the course menu as an option in the top menu bar - instead of menu - Id like to display ..."
  • over 9 years ago03/18/15 at 7:26 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion Passing things into storyline 2 and receiving them out
"Hello all, I was wondering if someone can point me in the right direction here. I have a custom front end that users login to, along w/..."
  • over 9 years ago03/18/15 at 5:19 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera replied to the discussion CONNECT STORYLINE WITH MYSQL
"I know this thread is old - but working on something similar - I have not tested it but wouldnt this work. If you have a php login page ..."
  • over 9 years ago03/18/15 at 5:10 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion How to return a drag/drop item to its original place?
"Hello all, I have a free form drag/drop quiz that I made. I start w/ 5 items lined up on the left side, the user drags them to 1 of 10 ..."
  • over 9 years ago02/19/15 at 2:55 pm (UTC)
"Hello all, I have to assume that I'm missing this somewhere, but can someone please tell me how to change the color of the correct/incorr..."
  • over 9 years ago02/19/15 at 2:37 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera replied to the discussion Swivel Animation - Vertical ?
"Thanks Michael - that is one of the animations I already have.  That is the view when looking straight at it. The view Im after is if yo..."
  • over 9 years ago02/17/15 at 5:05 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion Swivel Animation - Vertical ?
"Hello all, I'm hoping someone could give me some suggestions on how to accomplish this animation in Storyline. I have 3 valve handles (..."
  • over 9 years ago02/17/15 at 4:58 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Michael - that was it - changed the subtract trigger to != Selected"
  • over 9 years ago02/09/15 at 7:25 pm (UTC)
Rob Verzera started a new discussion How to disable Submit until X choices are selected
"Hello all, Im not sure why this is now working, but I have a normal multi-answer question created in storyline 2 There are 7 answers, c..."
  • over 9 years ago02/09/15 at 6:58 pm (UTC)
"You do not need to zoom in to see the difference. Take a screen shot of the stage - then publish it - and take a screen shot - and flip ..."
  • over 9 years ago01/23/15 at 9:08 pm (UTC)
"Ken - as far as your issue - are you use a non standard font?  I remember seeing some issue w/ OTF fonts and variables having issues."
  • over 9 years ago01/23/15 at 8:43 pm (UTC)
"Hi Ashley - I was able to see your published version. Do you see the issue that I'm describing? I have attached a test story file as wel..."
  • over 9 years ago01/23/15 at 8:35 pm (UTC)
"Here are 2 zoomed screenshots so you really see what im talking about. The Red Line I added after the screenshot for reference. Here ..."
  • over 9 years ago01/23/15 at 2:47 pm (UTC)
"Sure - here you go.  "
  • over 9 years ago01/23/15 at 2:44 pm (UTC)