Walt Hamilton
Walt Hamilton Hero
Instructional Designer, Developer, and Consultant
  • Making the impossible look beautiful in Storyline
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Walt Hamilton replied to the discussion Setting Variables in Preview mode
"You can put a trigger to set the variable when the opening slide starts. Just don't forget to go back and erase it. Programmers debug thi..."
  • almost 9 years ago07/23/15 at 10:53 pm (UTC)
"As I understand it, Storyline does everything Studio did, and Quizmaker is built into Storyline. You may not even notice the difference."
  • almost 9 years ago07/23/15 at 10:46 pm (UTC)
"PowerPoint will allow you to animate text one letter at a time.  Then export that animation and a video, and import it into Storyline."
  • almost 9 years ago07/23/15 at 10:44 pm (UTC)
Walt Hamilton replied to the discussion Sequence Options missing
"Hard to tell from your picture, but do you have a bunch of little text boxes? The option won't show unless your text box has carriage ret..."
  • almost 9 years ago07/22/15 at 10:11 pm (UTC)
Walt Hamilton replied to the discussion Animations from PowerPoint
"You can do this if you export the PowerPoint as a video, and import the video into Storyline"
  • almost 9 years ago07/22/15 at 10:09 pm (UTC)
"Sarah, I hate to tell you this, but you'll be happier if the timeline doesn't start from the middle. Anytime you start in the middle of ..."
  • almost 9 years ago07/22/15 at 10:08 pm (UTC)
"Mari, You see the names because they are on the base layer. You see the #s because they are on the layers, and those tabs aren't really ..."
  • almost 9 years ago07/22/15 at 4:22 pm (UTC)
"Publishing is like  baking a cake. Once it is in the oven, you can't take out the individual ingredients anymore.  You have to have the ...."
  • almost 9 years ago07/21/15 at 9:02 pm (UTC)
"I agree with you. Most of my work is done at the end of the timeline, and I would like the wizard to default to that."
  • almost 9 years ago07/21/15 at 5:12 pm (UTC)
"Deb, If you use the template to create a slide in PowerPoint, then import that slide to SL2, it will import the entire template"
  • almost 9 years ago07/20/15 at 7:59 pm (UTC)
"Daniela, Sorry, I forgot that part.  When timeline starts doesn't work because the timeline has started before you go to the layers. An..."
  • almost 9 years ago07/20/15 at 2:51 pm (UTC)
"Daniela, The conditions on the triggers on the buttons that close the layers are the problem. "Set completed1 to True When the user cl..."
  • almost 9 years ago07/20/15 at 1:19 pm (UTC)
"Mari, Your presentation is in great shape, it doesn't need to be fixed. You just need two things. One is to get the original out of the ..."
  • almost 9 years ago07/20/15 at 12:28 am (UTC)
Walt Hamilton replied to the discussion Markers/ URLs and Variables
"Just a guess, but it seems that you are using this trigger to set Variable Marker equal to Variable Marker when the conditions are met.  ..."
  • almost 9 years ago07/18/15 at 12:29 am (UTC)
"Kathryn, Create a new layer and click on the gear icon. Select Pause timeline of base layer.  That will stop everything (in mid-word). I..."
  • almost 9 years ago07/17/15 at 11:50 pm (UTC)
Walt Hamilton replied to the discussion Need help with interaction
"Christine, Sorry, but it looks like I shot off my mouth before I completely understood the press key trigger. Storyline does not provide..."
  • almost 9 years ago07/17/15 at 2:27 am (UTC)
Walt Hamilton replied to the discussion Review Process (Storyline 2)
"Publishing to a CD will give you a version that can be distributed to each of them with the interactions intact."
  • almost 9 years ago07/16/15 at 9:42 pm (UTC)
Walt Hamilton replied to the discussion Building interactive objectives
"Draw little pictures that represent someone performing each task."
  • almost 9 years ago07/16/15 at 9:38 pm (UTC)
Walt Hamilton replied to the discussion Need help with interaction
"No, you've done this well; just one small change, and I think it will work. Move the TextEntry trigger above the show layer Nah trigger...."
  • almost 9 years ago07/16/15 at 3:08 pm (UTC)
Walt Hamilton replied to the discussion Drag and Drop issue in Storyline 2
"Cute idea. Two thoughts that may help. 1. Set the RightClothes and WrongClothes variables to TRUE or FALSE. Currently each is set to th..."
  • almost 9 years ago07/14/15 at 9:54 pm (UTC)
"Open a story, and you should see the help menu."
  • almost 9 years ago07/14/15 at 9:40 pm (UTC)
Walt Hamilton replied to the discussion Articulate Mobile Player + LMS
"Ian, Don't know if this is part of the problem, but AMP won't/can't authenticate.  The iPad will contact the LMS and authenticate throug..."
  • almost 9 years ago07/14/15 at 1:45 pm (UTC)
Walt Hamilton replied to the discussion Storyline to PowerPopint
"Publish it to Web or CD, and you can share it. They will not be able to make changes, but they can see it, and all the interactions will ..."
  • almost 9 years ago07/14/15 at 1:24 pm (UTC)
Walt Hamilton replied to the discussion Advanced variables issue
"Meg, You started well, but you need to set the variables to "True", rather than to another variable, and each path needs its own variabl..."
  • almost 9 years ago07/13/15 at 11:00 pm (UTC)
"Glad to help"
  • almost 9 years ago07/13/15 at 5:05 pm (UTC)