Andreas Kuswara
Andreas Kuswara
Senior Instructional Designer at Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority
Andreas Kuswara replied to the discussion Free rolling dice interaction
"Genius! Thanks for sharing."
  • 3 years ago06/04/21 at 12:28 am (UTC)
Andreas Kuswara replied to the discussion Rise 360 stuck in processing
"this is happening again at the moment."
  • over 3 years ago02/15/21 at 3:06 am (UTC)
Andreas Kuswara started a new discussion Problem with project recovery
"I have been experiencing a lot of problems later when saving a .story project. I have been working from home and I did not make any chang..."
  • over 3 years ago02/08/21 at 10:27 pm (UTC)
Andreas Kuswara started a new discussion Attaching file into Storyline
"How do we attach files into a storyline module and keep the attached file in the storyline file? It appears when we put 'open file' trigg..."
  • over 3 years ago01/28/21 at 5:43 am (UTC)
Andreas Kuswara replied to the discussion Review quiz - navigation
"I have a similar problem; I have two (or more) question-banks dispersed between non-quiz slides; the review covers all questions, bu..."
  • over 3 years ago12/15/20 at 2:33 am (UTC)
Andreas Kuswara replied to the discussion Rise 360 stuck in processing
"Thanks, Crystal, the issue resolved itself, it reappeared again in different course with different SL block, but then that too resolved i..."
  • over 3 years ago11/30/20 at 10:32 pm (UTC)
Andreas Kuswara replied to the discussion Rise 360 stuck in processing
"Hi Alyssa, I checked there isn't any update yesterday or today, my version is V3.46.23620.0"
  • over 3 years ago11/26/20 at 10:54 pm (UTC)
Andreas Kuswara replied to the discussion Rise 360 stuck in processing
"Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be a cache problem on the browser, I am seeing "course processing" and other collaborators in th..."
  • over 3 years ago11/26/20 at 10:48 pm (UTC)
Andreas Kuswara replied to the discussion Rise 360 stuck in processing
"We are experiencing that now, this is the second incident in the last couple of days; the first one was different RISE module w..."
  • over 3 years ago11/25/20 at 1:07 am (UTC)
Andreas Kuswara started a new discussion Collapsable Storyline block in Rise
"Can we create a collapsable storyline block in Rise? Something like the Accordion block, where Rise remove the extra white space when the..."
  • almost 4 years ago10/20/20 at 9:41 pm (UTC)
Andreas Kuswara replied to the discussion Storyline 360 Collaboration Possibility?
"Yes, that would depend on the circumstances, in one of our projects, the project itself is massive. I think (from memory) amount to 100 s..."
  • almost 4 years ago10/02/20 at 4:04 am (UTC)
Andreas Kuswara started a new discussion Randomise slide sequence when importing from QuizMaker
"Is there a way for us to randomise the slides sequences when importing from QuizMaker to Storyline? So it is like using the "Draw from Ba..."
  • almost 4 years ago08/19/20 at 3:54 am (UTC)
Andreas Kuswara started a new discussion Black box when loading SL block in Rise
"Hi, when we use an SL block in Rise, there is always a black box appear with three dots while it is loading. What influence the leng..."
  • almost 4 years ago07/30/20 at 2:59 am (UTC)
"I experience the same issue when publishing video from Storyline; the resulting mp4 flickers, each time I republished different area flic..."
  • 4 years ago07/24/20 at 4:51 am (UTC)
Andreas Kuswara replied to the discussion Turn off email alerts?
"This feature would be very useful to "end" a review cycle, as we "go back to our shop" to make fixes before starting another round of rev..."
  • 4 years ago07/21/20 at 6:33 am (UTC)
Andreas Kuswara replied to the discussion Storyline 360 Collaboration Possibility?
"Maybe utilise Review 360? Would be good if we can have the option to 'publish for development' the work from Storyline to Review 360 and ..."
  • 4 years ago07/17/20 at 12:34 am (UTC)
Andreas Kuswara replied to the discussion Storyline block load time in Rise
"Thanks for the info. is there a difference in using high res images vs lower file size images in a slide? Will Storyline optimise them wh..."
  • 4 years ago07/09/20 at 10:08 pm (UTC)
Andreas Kuswara started a new discussion Storyline block load time in Rise
"What influence the load time (by the viewer) of a Storyline block in Rise? I noticed in the preview, sometimes a simple Storyline bl..."
  • 4 years ago07/09/20 at 12:10 am (UTC)
"I just hit this problem now... I inherited a course mid review process; the original owner was moved to a new project. I am actioning t..."
  • 4 years ago06/29/20 at 3:39 am (UTC)
Andreas Kuswara replied to the discussion Transfer Ownership If Member Leaves
"When we transfer the ownership of a course from Staff A to Staff B, do all the comments made int the reviews published by Staff A remains..."
  • 4 years ago06/29/20 at 1:53 am (UTC)
"Thank you."
  • 4 years ago06/18/20 at 3:16 am (UTC)
"Hi Alyssa, I think it’s not the case. I publish a new version, but this doesn’t stack up with the last review and has no feedback. PS I ..."
  • 4 years ago06/16/20 at 12:28 am (UTC)
"Hi Alyssa, No, I am the course manager; the owner is someone else. The system allowed me to publish a new version, would your reply stil..."
  • 4 years ago06/16/20 at 12:13 am (UTC)
"What is it supposed to be? I have just completed a review cycle, I have made edits to the course, but some comments are not yet resolved ..."
  • 4 years ago06/15/20 at 3:19 am (UTC)
Andreas Kuswara replied to the discussion Rise and adding Audio
"Is there a way to record audio into a dialogue in a scenario block? like what we can do in a labelled graphic block. "
  • 4 years ago05/15/20 at 3:36 am (UTC)