Product Last Post Replies
Stephen Brodeur
Is there a way to choose which motion path you're editing? I have a shape that I am moving to one spot for a period of time and then moving it back to where it started...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Steve Garrett
Does anyone have a work around to keep decimals from rounding in a trigger condition?  I need a numeric entry field to have four displayed decimal points: 0.0817 Thi...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Walt Hamilton
Michael Jabbaar
This if the first time I've had this issue. It just started out of the blue. I've used this functionality many time with no problem. Now... once I add a video (into sl...
Articulate Presenter over 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Andrew Tomko
I've created a CBT that captures the individual's name and employee number. I also have a few quiz questions. I have a unique audience in that they do not have interne...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Steve Wilhite
Hi- I'm currently working on a project in which I've inserted a 26 MB MP4, which for some reason caused my project file to jump in size by nearly 80 MB. Is this expect...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Erik P.
I have a course with many learning path options, depending on the role of a user. Let's say User 1 should have look at Scenes A, B and C because he is a Line Manager. ...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Sandra Whitford
I have made very sure that I have not shadowed text on my storyline layers in one of my projects.  When I preview... no shadow... When I publish... there appears to be...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Jennifer Clarke
Hi. My client has provided content in a .story and a separate .story as a template. I re-saved the latter as a *.storytemplate but am stuck as to how to ingest it into...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Matt H.
Hi, I've changed the font on the feedback master for the text on the slide and the button font. The problem is, the font on the button is still Articulate. If I click...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Angelia Devisfruto
Hi! How do you use an image in place of the title on the player? Example below: 
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Valerie Fry
Hi all. We are in the process of updating an old online course, and luckily for me the person who worked on this previously did not do a great job of saving the workin...
Articulate Quizmaker over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Nathan Rightmer
Hi All- We've run into a dilemma with our course. Right now, we have video on every slide (the image on the left side of the screen). The problem we are facing is wit...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Naeem Noordin
Hi All, Can anyone please advice me.  I have completed my learning model and want to share it with my client of their comment.  I can't seem to find the url in articu...
Articulate Presenter over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Mike Mrazek
Has anyone actually got an articulate presenter course working with Tin Can API and Scorm Cloud? Everything I have tried has failed. I recognize that I am new with Tin...
Articulate Presenter over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Paul Donevan
Hi, I'm having trouble deleting Character 1 from my trigger section. It won't allow the selected avatar to appear. Character 1 doesn't appear in my variables manager l...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
David Mark
How can you make the text in a scrolling panel automatically scroll
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Tania Roy
Hi, Is there a way that I can do spell check in Storyline? I tried F7 and it works, but I'm not sure if that's the right way to do it in Storyline. Please let me know...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Lucy Bolton
Hi, I am trying to produce a quiz based on personality types, the user answers each question by selecting the answer which matches their personality the most. This m...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Nick Gregory
Hi a bit of a strange one.I often copy or duplicate slides & then change the text.What I found is that when I preview the slide & click the "notes" they have n...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Jeff Kortenbosch
Hi Everyone, I've rebuild the Articulate Engage'13 Checklist interaction in Storyline. It's free to use in your awesome courses! Enjoy @eLearningJeff
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie