Last Post Replies
Thomas Gafford
When the learner select submit on an essay question without having entered any text, SL show feedback of "Invalid Answer - You must complete.....". Is there any way to...
12 years ago
By Thomas Gafford
Heidi Thompson
Hi - I need to turn a screen capture into a "Try It" so the learner will need to click, type, search, scroll, copy text.  Is there a tutorial that goes over this?
12 years ago
By Jamie Morgan
Bill Harnage
Is it possible to keep a parent menu item highlighted when the hidden (child?) slide after it is playing? If that makes sense... I've got two slides and slide #2 is co...
12 years ago
By Bill Harnage
Louise Greenhoff
Hi, I am creating a survey and I would like two "essay" questions on one slide. I was thinking of using Text variables as a way to do this but I want to make sure I ca...
12 years ago
By Louise Greenhoff
amey waingankar
Why is there prev button not editable or visible in player triggers in articulate storyline? The next button trigger is visible we can edit the same but not for prev b...
12 years ago
By Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro
Aileen Lynch
Hello! We recently purchased Storyline in order to publish some of our courses for mobile devices. I imported an existing course (previously done in Presenter '09) int...
12 years ago
By Aileen Lynch
Hi, everyone. I want to change the font of text labels in storyline , is this possible?
12 years ago
Daniela Schiano di Cola
Hi everyone, I was wondering if it would be possible to animate an object between different states. For example, I have a large image of a compass and I want the compa...
12 years ago
By Annie Jean
Stephen L. Colucci, Ph.d.
Non-reporting SCORM files load just fine. However when I try to install a quiz that does report scores to Moodle, I get an error: "XML error: > required at line 62"...
12 years ago
By Stephen L. Colucci, Ph.d.
Christine Pascual
I want to create a module where I ask learners to participate in a poll. Is it possible for participants to vote in a module and then when they click submit, have that...
12 years ago
By Shyam Saha
Peter Brockman
How do I create a character resembling myself-is it possible?
12 years ago
By Michael Rosenberger
Shari Hanlon
Okay, I KNOW I'm probably looking right at it...but I can't figure out how to get only the Scene titles to appear in the TOC. Right now, I see my Scene titles and then...
12 years ago
By Shari Hanlon
Brandon  Gabany
Does Storyline work on a Mac? Is there a plan for it to work on it in the future? 
12 years ago
By Michael Rosenberger
Ragunathakrishnan G
I would like to know whether is there a way to insert a help page in Storyline as we usually do in Presenter 09. Steps I follow to create a hel page in Storyline is: ...
12 years ago
By Ragunathakrishnan G
Kevin Thorn
I recall seeing this discussion some time ago but can't seem to find it by searching. It's my turn - I'm getting a big white screen with a red x saying I insufficient ...
12 years ago
By Kevin Thorn
Brandy Meng
I've been experiencing a tinny/echo quality to my published recording that is not there when I preview or use the audio editor in Storyline.  Any suggestions?  I see ...
12 years ago
By Brandy Meng
rois  taylor
I have a course which uses a number of screen captures which are inserted as videos.  The HTML5 plays fine on iPad - almost!  If you click onto another menu option whi...
12 years ago
By mitesh mistry
onEnterFrame (James Kingsley)
Hello all eLearningEnhanced is building a very large project in SL for a client and there will be about 10 Assessments. This is the clients vision of how the assessmen...
12 years ago
By onEnterFrame (James Kingsley)
Hi, I want to use programming in my project. How can i integrated or write it.
12 years ago
Hi! I published my project to a local drive but when i run the exe file it is stays on loading state and don't load any thing. Is there anyone can help me?
12 years ago