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Bob Lander
I'm having some problems with my course. It includes some things that work on my computer, but not on my client's computer. For example, I have an Attachments tab an...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Efrat Maor
Christine James
I'm creating an Engage presentation to be distributed on CD. I have pdf and word documents that I want to link to, from within the presentation. The problem is, it onl...
Articulate Engage over 13 years ago
By James Brown
Tess Farley
Someone gave me some old PowerPoint's that were set to 35mm slides. But when I publish things don't seem to look right. Do I need to change the slide prop...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By James Brown
Sara Fromme
Some of our people are using PowerPoint 2003 and some of us have 2007. Has anyone run into problems with files being shared back and forth?
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Jeff Kortenbosch
Carla Stewart
As part of a course in Presenter, the learners take a quiz. At the end of the quiz, learners should get a results slide which shows their score. If the learners P...
Articulate Quizmaker over 13 years ago
By Tess Farley
Babette Miller
I’m having some trouble removing the Print button from the bottom of my results page. I went into Pass Results, unchecked the “allow user to print results” option, sav...
Articulate Quizmaker over 13 years ago
By Babette Miller
Ardi Collins
I just noticed something. In some of my courses, there are some outline listings show up with line breaks (only not very elegantly because there's a horizontal line be...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Babette Miller
Christine James
I do not need the learners to go through all of the tabs in my Tabs interaction. I want them to be able to choose one or two depending on the information they need at ...
Articulate Engage over 13 years ago
By Justin Wilcox
Grant Goodwind
I have several very long quizzes where I’ve changed the navigation to Submit All At Once because I want learners to be able to review and change their answe...
Articulate Quizmaker over 13 years ago
By Justin Wilcox
Sara Fromme
I have an Engage glossary I am trying to print to word. When I do it, I receive the following message: “Articulate Engage '09 has stopped working. A problem caused the...
Articulate Engage over 13 years ago
By Brian Batt
Christopher Timothy
I have a hyperlink in an Engage Tabs interaction that is getting truncated. Is there a character limit?
Articulate Engage over 13 years ago
By David Fair
Christopher Timothy
My Articulate menu is missing in PowerPoint. How do I get it back?
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Christopher Timothy
Jack Torrance
I have some questions about Screenr, but this doesn't seem to be the appropriate place for questions about Screenr. Is there another forum I should use?
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Dave Mozealous
Sam Veasey
I open up the audio editor and drag the slide boundaries to change when each slide starts. I hit Save & Close and it looks like it saves, but when I go back into t...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Sam Veasey
Babette Miller
Is there a way to extract the questions and answer choices (not the learner responses) from a Quizmaker quiz? I thought that in a previous version this was in an xml f...
Articulate Quizmaker over 13 years ago
By Babette Miller
Colleen Brunner
I want a flash video to play in a slide only after the user clicks on an icon for it. Any one know how to do this? Thanks!
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Justin Wilcox
Sunny Bozell
published a podcast and sent it as an email, but I'm not really sure what the recipient is supposed to do. The email message that Articulate generates for me in ...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Brian Batt
Chris Norton
Is there any way to use the "Retry Quiz" button ONLY when a user fails a quiz and eliminate it from the bottom of the "pass" screen when they pass the quiz?
Articulate Quizmaker over 13 years ago
By Colleen Brunner
Arthur Binotti
I need to export player templates that I've created for another user. I cannot find the files. Help? Articulate 09
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Arthur Binotti
Ardi Collins
I've had a bit of a major malfunction with my computer and lost the original PPT files that I built a couple of presentations on. The computer malfunctioned so badly o...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Chris Norton