Last Post Replies
Brett Schlagel
I need my learners to be able to copy text that shows in a published module. Although this is special, the text changes, so adding an attachment is not my solution. I ...
almost 9 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Lauren Ero
I see on free templates that people provide templates and link to a short demo of the activity. How do you do this?
almost 9 years ago
By Lauren Ero
Shiraz Contractor-Papas
Calling all heros! I have a slide with 3 icons/buttons , 4 audio files, and 3 text boxes.  It is a single slide without layers.  (I tried layers and ran into issues w...
almost 9 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Julian Lyons
Hi, Is there an easy way to set up a reel show for pictures on a slide. I've been attempting to use the motion animation with three images grouped length ways. Just w...
almost 9 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Kim Bard
I'm unable to add a zoom region to a layer.  The function is greyed out on the layer.  Is that not able to be used on a layer or am I not doing something correctly?
almost 9 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Lynda Claspy
When I use the keystrokes Control - C or Control - P (for copying and pasting) it changes the page zoom size in Storyline.  Zoom will be set to 100% until I use the ke...
almost 9 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Andy Lundquist
When I purchased Storyline I didn't realize how difficult it would be to incorporate Storyline content into Articulate Presenter presentations. I am working in 16:9, ...
almost 9 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Bruce Holliday
Hi,  Having built a slider with 100 states and the images to go with that and having wired up the code I was quite please with the result. It took half a day overall b...
almost 9 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Rob Verzera
Hello All - Can someone please help me, I'm sure its just a setting somewhere. In my Slide Master I created a Font Theme that has Arial for the Heading font & the...
almost 9 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Sally McAlinney
Hi, I'm new to Storyline and would love a little help! I've created some menu options, which when you hover over them them, appear in a slightly different colour and s...
almost 9 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Ronda Otey
I have a Knowledge Check that is a Choose the best answer a, b, or c.  I am not using the results slides but in turn using layers as results.  My problem is that I can...
almost 9 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Siba Padhi
Hi, How to use customized bullet points/symbols in my Storyline course. Currently there is only one type of bullet points shows in the storyline application, that can ...
almost 9 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Sheelagh Semper
I have a course that requires some user entered variables to generate a certificate of completion at the end and parses the user enter text and quiz results to an in-h...
almost 9 years ago
By Sheelagh Semper
vimal singh
I am facing problem with the storyline version: Update: 5.1505.515. contents from the slides disappearing sometimes. when I close the storyline and and open it again ...
almost 9 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
James Mitchell
When you use video controls to play a video, you are unable to reuse the play button to restart the video after it has completed. I assume this is because the video i...
almost 9 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Sam Pearce
Hi All.   I am currently runing storyline 1.  I have all the animation and text displaying correctly in line with the audio narration.  When I publish to the web the...
almost 9 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Craig Benson
Hi All, I've worked in the industry authoring courses (using articulate products, of course) for over 5 years.  Recently I've decided to pursue different employment o...
almost 9 years ago
By Jonathon Casterline
Simon Carney
Hello guys Can you help? My client has 2000 members of staff all working on igel thin client machines. As a result, my initial test Articulate modules are running (w...
almost 9 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Leslie Damico
I am looking for a way to have the learner type a response in a text field and have it read back to them. Does anyone know if I can accomplish this in Storyline or is ...
almost 9 years ago
By Chris Cole
Johanna Stix
Hi Community, I wondered if there is a possibility to create your own seekbar (specially for videos). The built in video controls won't fit my design, and as I wanted ...
almost 9 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard