Jake Hurt
Jake Hurt
Senior Instructional Designer
"Hi Rory, I'm not explaining to our thousands of users - many of whom are offshore and/or not very computer literate that they need to na..."
  • over 5 years ago02/26/19 at 11:23 am (UTC)
"Ashley, I assume the SL3 patch will be available shortly also?"
  • over 5 years ago02/20/19 at 8:59 am (UTC)
"We've noticed this too, it's causing massive issues for us. Also, when run fullscreen in Chrome the courses lag like you would not belie..."
  • over 5 years ago02/19/19 at 9:21 am (UTC)
Jake Hurt replied to the discussion Previous button
"It would be really great if Articulate could add some options for the previous button. We have to manually change every single instance o..."
  • over 5 years ago11/30/18 at 10:05 am (UTC)
"Why isn't this functionality available yet? It's on Multiple Choice so the coding is already done, just apply it to the other question ty..."
  • almost 6 years ago10/12/18 at 9:25 am (UTC)
"We will never ever ever ever use 360. I did manage to figure it out, it does indeed show if some of the player options are enabled (such..."
  • almost 6 years ago09/12/18 at 2:48 pm (UTC)
Jake Hurt started a new discussion Removing the side bar from Responsive Player
"Hi, We want to make a tablet demo which uses on screen navigation, how do we remove the side bar from the responsive player? See attache..."
  • almost 6 years ago09/12/18 at 11:49 am (UTC)
"I can open 2 different courses with the same image in, and one will copy fine to a 3rd new project and the other won't. It's really incon..."
  • almost 6 years ago07/31/18 at 8:02 am (UTC)
"I've tried both keyboard commands and right-click menu, but I get the same results for both. I can't seem to find any pattern."
  • almost 6 years ago07/27/18 at 3:03 pm (UTC)
"Yes it is Storyline 3, not 360. It's strange because its not consistent, sometimes it will copy images and sometimes not. For example I..."
  • almost 6 years ago07/27/18 at 1:59 pm (UTC)
"I can't copy/paste between Storyline files of the same version, it is incredibly frustrating as it wastes time."
  • 6 years ago07/26/18 at 1:01 pm (UTC)
"I sure am glad we aren't paying a yearly subscription for a product that doesn't work."
  • 6 years ago07/24/18 at 8:24 am (UTC)
"Hi Simon, Exactly that, just republish the courses and reupload them to your LMS! Maybe give them a test to make sure all's well :P Jake"
  • over 6 years ago04/20/18 at 1:30 pm (UTC)
"You are of course correct that it is a problem, and I am not sure if it is HTML5 or Articulate where the root of the issue is. However, i..."
  • over 6 years ago03/15/18 at 11:24 am (UTC)
"I can confirm the above behaviour. It seems random when it decides to 'turn off' the markers. Most of the time when I reopen a project a..."
  • over 6 years ago03/14/18 at 4:21 pm (UTC)
"Thanks you JJ Adams you legend, I can confirm this fix works. Just remember to include a space after the speech marks, so its replacing: ..."
  • over 6 years ago02/22/18 at 10:22 am (UTC)
"Hi Katie, When will this fix (as well as all the other fixes) be applied to Storyline 3? Thanks Jake"
  • over 6 years ago01/24/18 at 9:26 am (UTC)
Jake Hurt replied to the discussion Articulate 360
"With respect gentlemen, this is a serious discussion. Bringing memes and insults into it degrades and ruins the whole point of it. I kno..."
  • almost 7 years ago10/13/17 at 12:18 pm (UTC)
Jake Hurt replied to the discussion Articulate 360
"Pierre, from what I have been told SL3 will have the same features up to a certain point. This was with regards to conversations about t..."
  • almost 7 years ago10/13/17 at 11:01 am (UTC)
Jake Hurt replied to the discussion Articulate 360
"This is true, although Storyline 3 is confirmed to be getting fewer features and updates than 360. As well as Articulates stance on perp..."
  • almost 7 years ago10/12/17 at 10:26 am (UTC)
Jake Hurt replied to the discussion Storyline 3 Update 2 - Broken Video
"Hi Leslie, Just to confirm, we have rolled back to Update 1 and the issue is no longer present for anyone. I have no idea what is causi..."
  • almost 7 years ago10/12/17 at 10:20 am (UTC)
Jake Hurt replied to the discussion Storyline 3 Update 2 - Broken Video
"Hi Leslie, I did, thank you. He is looking into the issue now, in the meantime I will roll back to Update 1 to get these products out t..."
  • almost 7 years ago10/12/17 at 8:31 am (UTC)
Jake Hurt replied to the discussion Articulate 360
"An a la carte method would literally silence 95% of complaints about 360, even if only done as a PR move it would be beneficial to Articu..."
  • almost 7 years ago10/12/17 at 8:19 am (UTC)
Jake Hurt replied to the discussion Storyline 3 Update 2 - Broken Video
"Leslie, any update on when we can get the install file for Update 1? We have clients hassling us for the material which we now can't pro..."
  • almost 7 years ago10/11/17 at 2:50 pm (UTC)
"Or alternatively get them to not block mp4s at all! Honestly, that's like blocking .doc files for someone that uses Microsoft Word..."
  • almost 7 years ago10/11/17 at 12:58 pm (UTC)