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Olivier Nourry
Hi everybody, i'm a newby here, and english is not my mother tongue so i hope you'll understand me. I'm currently creating a class using Articulate Storyline, and i'd ...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Olivier Nourry
sharon amer
Hi I have a drag and drop quiz, but when the slide is replayed or you go back to it, it doesn't reset so you can't do it again All my other quiz slides you can do agai...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Christine Hendrickson
Crisa McCarty
I'd like to give my students the option of choosing the right way to say something in a multiple choice quiz in which each possible answer is a separate audio file. Is...
Articulate Quizmaker over 11 years ago
By Jeanette Brooks
Matt L
Is there a way to disable slides in the outline...basically just faded out so the user can see that they are there, but not able to click on them?
Articulate Presenter over 11 years ago
By Peter Anderson
how can I activate my Next button only once the trainee has read the whole slide? Thanks
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Gerry Wasiluk
Kate B
Hey all, I'm running into a problem this morning that I have never seen before, and can't find anything here that seems to explain it. While working on the slides, eve...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Kate B
Anthony LEPOT
 hello. I have a problem in a quiz on the Ipad. I tryied something to display the good answer in green in the feedback and change color of the user's answer in red if ...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Anthony LEPOT
Elizabeth Riddett
I want the pyramid interaction upside down (base at the top, point at the bottom). Is this possible?
Articulate Engage over 11 years ago
By Jeanette Brooks
s r
Hi, I've got animations setup in my ppt file.  The first animation on my slides is set to 'on click'.  When I go to 'sync animations' in articulate and I start syncing...
Articulate Presenter over 11 years ago
By Christine Hendrickson
renee barnes
Hi, we are testing storyline. I have been playing with changing the color of shapes and something bizarre happens. The shape never changes color completely. Just part ...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Christine Hendrickson
Dharmesh Mehta
Is it possible to import and use buttons other than the ones already present in Storyline?
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By David Anderson
Howie Pearson
I want to remove these buttons from the player as I'd rather have all the controls on the screen for the project I'm working on. Only problem is I can't work out how t...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Howie Pearson
linh linh
I installed Articulate Studio 09 (update 7). And Visual basic for application was installed. * Office version: Office standard 2010 - 32 bit - ver 14.0..6023.1000 http...
Articulate Presenter over 11 years ago
By Christine Hendrickson
Matt Bassuk
So I just started experimenting with Storyline today... The first thing I did was try to import a large PPT that is a Presenter course... Since I was unsuccessful gett...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Christine Hendrickson
Aimee Hunter
I converted a course that I built in Studio '09 into Storyline and I am having problems with the text. All of the text is in a text box and in Studio '09 the text was ...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Christine Hendrickson
Sebastien Greffet
Hello,  I have put some PDF files in my project with WebObject and the user can read them. But, when they left the file and go back they return where they were on the ...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Phil Mayor
Robert Eriksson
Hello! Is it possible to create a button that rewinds a video object with 30 sec per click? Kr Robert
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Robert Eriksson
Hormuzd Umrigar
Hello, We are using quizmaker for our online assessments across various level. We package them to SCORM 1.2 and increasingly we are seeing a need to provide analytic...
Articulate Quizmaker over 11 years ago
By Hormuzd Umrigar
Yvonne Mbanefo
Hi Everyone, Hope you had a good weekend. Could you please explain to me how to embed an articulate presentation which i am hosting on amazon s3 into a wordpress post?...
Articulate Engage over 11 years ago
By Russ Crowley
Ted Hildebrandt
I'm just curious if someone knows whether the following can be done in Storyline: I've got a video playing and when it hits a certain point it triggers and has a new ...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Ted Hildebrandt