Product Last Post Replies
Hello! I am trying to record a screen from a website that has sound but the sound I hear is not being recorded. The tutorial shows that I should have a speaker option ...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Peter Anderson
claire Flowers
We have a video with very poor audio.  Is it possible to record over within Articulate Presenter?  If so, how? thank you, Claire Flowers
Articulate Presenter over 11 years ago
By Christine Hendrickson
Amber D'Aloise
I created two very large projects in PPT 2003 a few years ago.  I need to make some updatesto the projects, but now use PPT 2010.  When I make the presentation writeab...
Articulate Presenter over 11 years ago
By Christine Hendrickson
Jeff Nauman
I don't have a lot of experience with custom results pages and I've been fighting with this all day. If someone could have a quick look at my 3-slide sample and tell m...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Jeff Nauman
Mike Hua
So I created a course in Powerpoint (in Mac OSX) and brought it over to Storyline (in Windows via Parallels) but the fonts did not carry over with the deck. Is there a...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Gerry Wasiluk
Eric  Crosby
I have noticed that when publishing or exporting to Word the quality of the output is significantly lower than what the slides show.  I'm not sure why Storyline does t...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Peter Anderson
Jack F
Hi all, thanks for the great responses! I have a fairly easy to explain problem - I'm using a Quaizmaker blank slide to insert a video into my e-learn. I would like to...
Articulate Quizmaker over 11 years ago
By Peter Anderson
Ant Pugh
Hi all - I am in the middle of developing a 50 question quiz, and whilst testing the quiz, I am finding that the browser is crashing, which means I cannot Submit a res...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Peter Anderson
Douglas Harriman
Hello, I'm wondering if there's a way to set the timelines for all slides in a presentation to a certain length using one setting, like how in Articulate Presenter you...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Douglas Harriman
William Urban
Every time I create a Quiz (using ArticulateStudio) the end result is that the published Quiz is missing several items or the areas are blank. For example, I created a...
Articulate Quizmaker over 11 years ago
By Justin Grenier
Josh Janikowski
I published a project with a mp4 video on teh first frame. Its set to play when clicked and uses the playback controls. When i publish i publish for html5 and the mobi...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Adrian Dean
Alan Bourne
Hey, After using Storyline now for a while it's certainly got some great features and points. One of my biggest bugbears with the software is the fact it moves items 8...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Laura Fast
Michelle Lentz
Hi! I was given several courses in which I just need to update a link and re-publish. However, the courses are in Chinese (simplified and traditional), Russian, and Ja...
Articulate Presenter over 11 years ago
By Peter Anderson
Ed Finn
Hello, We are evaluating a few different LMS platforms and needed some information on quizzes.  One problem seems to be that SCORM is not supported to export to the g...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Peter Anderson
Ross Olson
I am having issue being able to see everything on the Articulate there a compatabiltiy issue?  Below is a picture of what I see:  What can I do to fix this...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Tom Dorsey
Anna Veach
I am brand new to all this LMS stuff so I'm learning as I go and since I don't have direct access to test stuff (have to go thorugh an LMS admin who doesn't use Storyl...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Peter Anderson
Francisco Carreon
The audio files that I'm using on my presentation needed to be edited, noise reduction, match volume, etc. Can I replace the old files with the new edited files by rep...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Peter Anderson
Allen Way
Greetings, I put a background image on all the QM questions, using David Anderson's dark green crinkled paper graphic from his "Did You Know" post (thanks, by the by, ...
Articulate Quizmaker over 11 years ago
By Peter Anderson
Peg Simmons
I am working in Articulate Studio 9 and PPT 2010 on Windows 7 platrorm. Two screens in the middle of the course do not display the Notes. I found the Articulate fix f...
Articulate Presenter over 11 years ago
By Justin Grenier
Dan Dolen
Good afternoon everyone! I am working on a Post-It note interactive in storyline that I stole from one of Jeanette's tutorials. I had it all working at one point but t...
Articulate Storyline over 11 years ago
By Annie Jean