Product Last Post Replies
Mike Hua
I am trying to figure out what is going on here. In the upper right hand corner I see "Navigation", "Attachments", and "Exit" and when I clicked on Navigation it bring...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Jeanette Brooks
Keith Freeman
I want to use the engage glossary as a tab in presenter. However, I will have several modules that will be using the glossary. I don't want to have to update and re pa...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Justin Wilcox
Adrian Gates
Hi all, On a few recent courses, on what seems like on my development PC only, the tabs in a published occasionally don't work. For example, I mouse over the "attachme...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Justin Wilcox
Keith Freeman
How do I delete narration? I read a post that the only way to do this is to click "import audio" and then navigate to a slide and click "remove". This worked fine (alt...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Keith Freeman
Adam Truckenmiller
Consisted in the template of the Player there is an image right above the Outline tab of a woman and to the right is listed "Julie Knight Product Manager" along with a...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Gabe Anderson
Articulate User
How can I make Quizmaker force the quiz to always resume where the quiz taker was at if they leave in the middle of a quiz instead of prompting to resume?
Articulate Quizmaker over 13 years ago
By Brian Batt
Michael Mace
Hi All, I'm new to the forums, but I've been using Articulate for several years now. I have a small problem that I hope someone can help solve for me. I am...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Brian Batt
Kevin Thorn
Is it possible to stream video into the Presenter Panel? I've searched the forums and knowledge base, but only find information about streaming in general. I have a st...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Kevin Thorn
Tom Kuhlmann
I'm working with an ASTD chapter that's thinking about doing an Articulate session. They don't know a lot about the tools and wanted some feedback. Perhaps...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Ericca Williams
Michelle Los
I've been having a bear of a time adding a slide with email hyperlinks at the end of my course (I want it to pre-populate both the subject and body of the message). I'...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Gabe Anderson
Caelyn Nagle
Hi, I have Windows 7, PPT 2010 and Presenter V6.3.1009.1313 Pro I had used PPT 2010 with Articulate Presenter in late December with no problems. It's been a couple of ...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Brian Batt
Diane Boewe
I apologize if this question has already been asked and answered, but I could not seem to find an answer after researching the forums... Is it possible to send which&n...
Articulate Quizmaker over 13 years ago
By Diane Boewe
Doreen Rambke-Hartz
I"m working on a series of 5 modules for an internal client, all using Articulate Presenter. Originally we planned to use PPT only and no audio, however my inter...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Doreen Rambke-Hartz
Aaron Schweizer
I am using the Media Tour to instruct new users on some software screens. However, I really need to add some kind of annotation to it to point out certain parts of eac...
Articulate Engage over 13 years ago
By Aaron Schweizer
Simon Perkins
I just thought I'd throw this out to the community because it's based on feedback regarding my recent "flickering slides" post. The upshot so far is that: 1) It'...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Simon Perkins
James Pritchard
Hi, I'm having an issue with bold not showing in the slide notes section when using a custom skin. I have all the fonts embedded in the skin. Does anyone know why bold...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By James Pritchard
Allie Dumalski
While letting a few people prototype the first e-course that I designed, a few of them were getting the flash plug-in needed at the 5th or so slide that had the first ...
Articulate Presenter over 13 years ago
By Brian Batt
Phil Mayor
I havent used quizmaker as much as I probably should have, I am now doing a project that is very heavy on quizmaker and I am becoming a little frustrated. I initially ...
Articulate Quizmaker over 13 years ago
By Jeanette Brooks
Chris Burns
Can I create a multiple true/false question in quizmaker? For example: "Which of these statements about our annual policy is correct? Select 'true' or 'false' for each...
Articulate Quizmaker over 13 years ago
By Chris Burns
Chris Burns
I'm building a quiz that requires a 100% pass mark. The quiz will sit within a course module. The learner will have two chances to answer each question correctly. If t...
Articulate Quizmaker over 13 years ago
By Chris Burns