Last Post Replies
Jamie Howard
Hi, I've created a quiz and loaded it into our LMS (Moodle). I've set up the test to allow resubmissions as we want people to be able to retake the test and accept t...
almost 9 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Virginia Wilkinson
Need to create in Storyline (or Presenter) a course with 3 sections - each section has a quiz at the end of the section.  User has to pass the quiz for section 1 befor...
almost 9 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Erin Stapleton
Does anyone have any suggested tutorials or videos that make learning how to use Storyline's quiz building features a bit easier? I am basically starting from ground z...
almost 9 years ago
By Erin Stapleton
Michael Goertz
I would like to show an complete word, after the learner reachts a result of 100% and not the percentage in the result slide. I have 10 questions mit 10 letters that w...
almost 9 years ago
By Michael Goertz
Pedro Fernandez
Is it possible to change the state of an object using JS? If so, what would the code look like (sample) or where can I find clearly written instructions or articles th...
almost 9 years ago
By Math Notermans
Mike B.
My feedback layer seems to be loading in stages, with the text showing up before my background. My background is a transparent png. Any idea why it's doing this? See ...
almost 9 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Daniel Mitchell
I have a long audio clip (5 minutes), and will be inserting portions of that clip on a series of slides (5-30 seconds per slide).   Should I insert the clip on each s...
almost 9 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Roxanne May
While creating a course in Storyline, I lose the control of my mouse when trying to click through triggers, create layers, or anything... I have to hit return to make ...
almost 9 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Mark Ramsey
Is there a way to know when a slide has completed loaded? I would like to be able to put up a loading isobar on a layer while heavy content is loading - i.e. Flash SWF...
almost 9 years ago
By Mark Ramsey
Lynn Puhr
I notice that the player takes a lot of screen real-estate where the <Prev and Next> buttons sit. Is there any way to reduce this space/buttons on the player?
almost 9 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Mark Ramsey
I was wondering why my trigger for the slide timeline ending was happening later than the 2 second timeline I put it at (it is a text slide.) I had a couple of extra ...
almost 9 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Jessica Holland
Hi, I'm fairly new to StoryLine and still trying to get a good grasp on the tools.  I've created a tutorial that has audio on the slide. I don't want the view to be a...
almost 9 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Paul Lewis
I have a trial copy of Storyline 2 and stuck on a particular item. I have a video on my base layer together with a button. The button triggers the video to pause and t...
almost 9 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Ari Avivi
I would like to create a randomized 10 question test from a 100 question bank I would like to separate the bank into sections much like was done in quizzmaker before. ...
almost 9 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Jayant G
Hello Community peoples ! Greetings to all !!   After many failed attempts to embed the video control features - Play/pause/stop button, Volume, seekbar, fullscreen...
almost 9 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Dave Bartlett
Good afternoon everyone... We are currently going through a testing phase of our Storyline 2 content on our company iPads, running iOS 8.x,  using the Storyline iOS a...
almost 9 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Sthefanye Pitondo
Hello there! I'm new in the development of online courses using StoryLine Articulate, and I wonder if anyone knows how to teach me to build interactive backgrounds. ...
almost 9 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Job Vlaming
Hi,  I'm not happy about the sound quality in Storyline. Even with the publish quality settings at maximum, I'm getting a tinny sound.  Could this have something to do...
almost 9 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Pedro Gomes
I am a beginner and I am asking for help to complete this work. I ask: 1- must module 2 and the button "next" to work only when you complete the module 1. How can I do...
almost 9 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
E Talboy
While editing menu, keep getting dialog box that says " Would you like to keep these items, children?" What's that about?
almost 9 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie