Last Post Replies
John Black
When I display a PowerPoint created at 960x720, for example, PowerPoint automatically scales the images to fill the larget display resolution. However, when I convert ...
over 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Chrisanna  Hibbitts
Hi There, We purchased a couple of different licenses, and I understand each license allows up to 2 machines used per license key. Are there any special instructions f...
over 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
amey waingankar
Hi, I have an requirement, where in 1 storyline package has the navigation page, where I have placed 4 buttons(4 topics) which redirect to the individual storyline pac...
over 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
John Jennings
how does articulate storyline download content from a server?
over 10 years ago
By Phil Mayor
Luke Dart
Hi All, I have a text box that has a show/hide function using triggers and variables (which allows the show/hide rule to carry over multiple slides). The text box is a...
over 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Payal Tandon
I have a quiz that contains questions of three difficulty levels.  Here is what I want to do: 1:  show total result that includes scores of all the questions 2:  show ...
over 10 years ago
By Payal Tandon
Mat Beecher
Howdy Community, My organization performs quartlerly knowledge assessments and we do so through quizzes. We then report overall organizational "knowledge" achievement ...
over 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Daniela Schiano di Cola
I'm in crisis deadline mode, and for some reason I cannot figure out the right combination of triggers to allow the user to move forward in the quiz without requiring ...
over 10 years ago
By Mike Enders
Damien  Bunell
Can anyone please help me out with an issue I am facing with publishing. When I preview my work in the Story line software, it is all fine and runs through to the n...
over 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Alan Sarfati
I am checking out the program and am running into what I think are big issues. Here's a snap shot - hoping there's an easy solution because I am liking storyline. I a...
over 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Sean Mason
Hi everyone first post on this forum and just stared Articulate yesterday. I added in a quiz with A,B,C,D options and it show up correctly in design view but when I pr...
over 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Emalyn Lim
Hi, I am very disappointed and frustrated that the triggers I set when my storyline version is Update 3 no longer work after I update the storyline to Update 4.  I tri...
over 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Howie Pearson
I have created a model using shapes and during the build they are all perfectly aligned.  However, when i preview/publish one shap moves and is clearly out of alignmen...
over 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Nikki Lowin
I purchased Storyline license back in June 2013. Today when I open storyline a window pops up asking me about continuing a free trial. Any suggestions on how I can fix...
over 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Ellen Wahlen
Is there a way to track completion of the training by viewing of a particular slide?  I have multiple quizzes in the training (depending on which track the user follow...
over 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Peter Faulhaber
I know, it was a big discussion several months ago. Still wondering if there is a solution to add page numbers to the slides with automatic numbering/ Maybe via the SD...
over 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Shanti Mukerji
Is it possible to create a quiz question where the drop down choices for each part of the question are different? See image
over 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Peter Faulhaber
HI all, Just startted a new project for a big customer. Want to use storyline (of course ) But how to manage: Same content but Different font and font size, different ...
over 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Janine Carbone
Our client has uploaded a course with 8 different modules on their LMS. 6 of the modules work perfectly. If you close the module and reopen it, Storyline prompts you t...
over 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Katie Venit
I have a bunch of embedded videos in a project. They'll play on Chrome and IE, but not Firefox. I get an error that says "video format or MME type not supported." Anyo...
over 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard