Product Last Post Replies
Popie Georgopoulou
Hello all, I am a newbie with articulate and excited to see such a great community. I have a word document with images and text so I copy from it and paste into a te...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
mark christie
I am trying to add illustrated characters using my new i7 surface pro 3 and the heads of the characters appear offset when added to a storyline page. Adjust resolution...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Tonya Farthing
We have Sharepoint LMS in Sharepoint 2010 and have been trying unsuccessfully to refine the user experience. The Articulate presentation looks great in this environme...
Articulate Quizmaker almost 8 years ago
By Pradnya Maske
Jake Zhivov
Hi Team, I'm working on a module that has a few simulation videos where i want the learner to click on a button before the simulation continues. The module uses a squ...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Wendy Farmer
Tim Danner
Checked one of courses that was recently uploaded to our LMS on my Kindle Fire HD 8.9" tablet and none of the audio is playing. The course is working, for the most par...
Articulate Presenter almost 8 years ago
By Russell Still
Les Berry
I uploaded to my LMS (Litmos) a Presenter File I did the VO on and the sound is great on the first slide, then isn't present on any more slides.  Anyone experience this?
Articulate Presenter almost 8 years ago
By Russell Still
Bud Keegan
I have a drag and drop interaction so that when a learner picks up a magnifying glass and places it over a hot spot portion of a map, it will show a layer on which the...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Wendy Farmer
Bruce Graham
That's it really. Can it be done? Trying to do a lot of Trademark and Copyright stuff, and the "Symbol" area seems to be greyed out. Tell me it's not so...... Thanks
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Steve Gannon
Heidi Lasi
Hi there,  I'm working on a presentation in French. In French, there is a quotation mark, a space, the word(s), another space and the closing quotation mark.  I have...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Heidi Lasi
I've noticed that when I copy a text entry box from one slide or project to another, the behavior changes when I click the box. Specifically, when selecting the origin...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
Melissa Ennis
I have a project with dozens of slides and the timeline on each one is set to 3 seconds.  However, after I publish for the LMS, the timelines on every slide expand for...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Stephanie Brooks
Hi, I have created a multi- question - on- one -slide module that features freeform 'many answer' slides and am now trying to incorporate a results slide. The way it ...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Night Owl
hi All... I'm trying to add a trigger that keeps the "next" button disabled until all of the markers on the slide are selected. I assume that I can just add a trigger...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Night Owl
Carol Barnhart
I have created a  Drag & Drop with six tabs that contain equations. I want each tab, when dropped on the single droppable target, to show either correct or incorre...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Troy Hunsinger
Hello,  I have about 30 minutes of audio in my training and I am looking to add another 1.5 hrs.  The file size of my storyline file is a little over 85MB.  I am just ...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Troy Hunsinger
Lisa Vanderweide
In need of assistance! I am relatively new to Storyline and am in desperate need of guidance. My client wants to keep a restricted player to prevent users from navigat...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
I have been trying to no avail to set a drag and drop quiz. What I want it to do is leave the correct answers in place and reset the incorrect answers when clicking Tr...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Ivana Vayleux
Hi,  I have some trouble updating my player features. I get constantly two grey lines on top and  bottom when previewing my project. I tried to search for the solutio...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Ivana Vayleux
Is is possible to build  hotspot to jump from a layer to a specific point in the timeline on the base scene?
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Brian Allen
Jannah Aljafri
Hmm, I feel bad posting this but it's last resort. I'm a bit disappointed with Articulate Support lately; I've emailed every day asking for an update about a couple of...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie