Product Last Post Replies
Ellen W.
A co-worker is working on a course in Articulate Storyline 1 that has eight screen records.  These were imported as view mode so there are quite a few slides for each ...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Matthew Brannan
Hi Support, I recently started this discussion: In summary: We have created our ow...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Matthew Brannan
Dave Newgass
Hello, We use Moodle 2.4 and clients that are using IE11 are having an issue where when the SCORM is launched, it will not load.  If you do a quick re-size of the bro...
Articulate Presenter over 8 years ago
By Dan Marsden
Zaynah Q
I recently published a training as the Web version and uploaded it to my department's server for the Subject Matter Experts to review. However, they are seeing somethi...
Articulate Presenter over 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Michael Long
I have an arrow that is centered over a circle in its normal state. However, when I view the object in preview mode its alignment is completely off in comparison to th...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Pam  Ross
I have a storyline course that was working fine and now when I publish or preview, the Next button doesn't work on the second slide. The only thing I changed on that s...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Walt Hamilton
Jessica Luh Kim
Hello, I just finished my articulate project and want viewers who don't have articulate storyline 2 to view my project via email, a link, or any way that is easy for t...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
bob bob
Bonjour, Est-il possible qu'un utilisateur puisse faire tourner une image à l'intérieur d'un module de formation ? En utilisant du javascript ? Si oui, quel code util...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Oliver Pringle
Hi, I am hoping someone can advise me on the best way to do the following: On the base layer slide I have a computer screen with an application icon in the middle (s...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Bruno Dethune
Hello all,   Is there a way tu publish a studio learning to word and including the engage and quiz slides in the same document in 1 action. Meaning: nog to have to ...
Articulate Presenter over 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Stephanie Mahoney
Hi, I know there was a way in Storyline to disable the default Previous and Next buttons so I could add custom ones, is there way to do that using Presenter in the Po...
Articulate Presenter over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
tin C
I am building a course and have a few question, may sound very basic and stupid. I have  custom story size width - 1365, height - 768, Now will this size scale itself...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By tin C
Joan Hansen
I followed the instructions on loading Character Bundle 1 on my  computer.  However when I go to Storyline 2 and insert Character there are only the ones that were in ...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Brad Pepin
I have a thorny issue in a SL2 quiz I developed that exclusively uses the "HOTSPOT" quiz type to ask Learners to identify the single subject image (among a set of 4) t...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Brad Pepin
Jill Hagelin
I have presentation that I'm trying to set up to have the learner retake a quiz if they failed to pass it the first time.  What I want to happen is that when a learner...
Articulate Quizmaker over 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
tin C
I am wondering if the marker size can be made bigger, if not has anyone found any workaround. There are so many shapes in markers, these should be made available in th...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Jennifer Sader
Luiz Borges
Hello everyone! I'm starting to work with articulate, and needed to include some videos with transparent background, but the articulate does not support this type of v...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Luiz Borges
Geraldine Follmer
Fellow Storyliners ............ a question from my local developer community. Is it possible to use and get results from multiple quizzes in a Storyline course? The ...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Rob Puricelli
Barbara Hutton
Hi  My storyline 2 has been acting up - not playing triggers, not allowing me to drag text boxes around, etc. So I decided to uninstall and reinstall. Successfully un...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Barbara Hutton
Kennethg Goeieman
Is there anyone that managed to wrap an eLearning course done with SL2 and create and android APK?...ANYONE?
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick