Product Last Post Replies
pryce wood
Hello. I think  I may have a unique problem. I have two sets of courses in storyline 2 that are published to Articulate online. The second set is a mirror image of th...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Walt Hamilton
Kamil Łuczak
Hi, does anyone have an idea how to get rid of scrollbars in html5 version of SCORM on Moodle?  In Chrome im using CSS hacks, and it displays good.   We are using: S...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Marie-Pierre Dionne
I have this huge module with screen recordings and screen captures.  When previewing entire project, it crashes on and off. When publishing and viewing the entire proj...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Dave Barnard
Hi all I am trying to put together a series of slides showing, what appears to be, two identical columns of code. We call it the transcription test and you have to pi...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Dorna Diven
I had the same problem another user had of not being able to update the quizmaker file in the project directory.  Unlike her I couldn't find the temporary file so recr...
Articulate Quizmaker over 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Ryan Martin
It looks like I'm going to be changing the story size of a project that's pretty much done. Here's a lesson for everyone. I made my design minus Player options (no pre...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Debra Wilson
Sometime the NEXT button has to be clicked a couple of times to work. Is that a bug that's been resolved with the newest release?
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Claire Unnerstall
Is there a way to build something in Storyline with dynamic data pulled in from a CRM system? I'd like to create a branching scenario, but I'd want to have the scenari...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Jeremy Miles
I have added a Word document within a Storyline file via hyperlink. When I publish and play locally - no problem, the Word document opens on clicking the hyperlink. Wh...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Lal Mathews
Hi,  I'm using step-by-step Screen Recording and then branching to a Try-out slides.  I have created a trigger from the Quiz Slide(Try-out)  to return to start of th...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Steve Wilhite
This might be kind of an edge case, but I have a set of quiz questions at the end of a scene, the last of which navigates to the next scene when the learner clicks "Co...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Mark Fernley
Hi, I seem to be having a problem when I add an image to a state that is activated by the slider (see attached). Any suggestions. Thanks, Mark 
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Cynthia M.
I used the articulate ribbon to upload a MP4 video. The course is in our LMS and sometimes the video plays other times it will play to 1:27 and the screen goes green a...
Articulate Presenter over 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Phuong Nguyen The Truong
Hi When I embed a video as web object, it will play only if the mouse cursor hangover it, otherwise it stop. Is there a setting to fix this?
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Clare Stead
Hi all,  we are a company who make elearning content for children in Africa, we started out using Articulate Studio 9 and then moved away to a custom built engine and ...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Clare Stead
bonjour  vous avez fait ce template avec des déclencheurs javascript associés aux variables! mais  pouvez vous expliquer l' utilisation de chacun d' eux ? merci 
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
vimal singh
Hi, I got stuck in the Result slide functionality. when I am going for Review Quiz. All slides are showing incorrect even the slides which are answered correctly. how ...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Alex Rob
Greetings, Is there any way to set a specific delay between slides? I would like the users to have to wait for 8 seconds before being able to click on the "Next" but...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Brian Gibbens
Hello all, I'm an instructor interested in using Articulate Storyline in my classroom.  Does Articulate Storyline allow you to upload scores into the gradebook of any...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Brian Gibbens
Robin Wooten
I would like to toggle between 2 menu slides. Toggle appearing on slide one at left; move to right would get me menu 2 on a different slide. Then on "page 2", I would ...
Articulate Storyline over 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie