Product Last Post Replies
Josh Robbins
Hi there, I have a problem and not sure if it is workable. I have created 2 customised reports to be used in our school. One is for teachers and one is for children. C...
Articulate Quizmaker 13 years ago
By Brian Batt
Dave Newgass
Hello Articulaters, I am trying to solve an issue with the resume function, and specifically with Moodle. How does is the resume function designed in Articulate?...
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Justin Wilcox
Gordon Ledbetter
Since a true Likert Scale is not possible with QuizMaker, but it is possible with MS Excel, will Articulate/Presenter publish an interactive excel spreadsheet embedded...
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Justin Wilcox
Theresa Hilbun
I misspelled a word for my answer why preview a test, before hitting submit I saw my error but it will not let me backspace to correct. So this is going to be a incorr...
Articulate Quizmaker 13 years ago
By Brian Batt
Rebecca Mac
I am trying to insert a istockphoto .fla video file into my powerpoint slide. Articulate says it supports .fla files. But when I go to import, I get the message ...
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Rebecca Mac
Kevin Hamler
We are not online, as our quizzes are classified. Could this be the reason that Quizmaker takes up to 4 MINUTES to load? I have deselected the option that directs Quiz...
Articulate Quizmaker 13 years ago
By Justin Wilcox
Widya  Y
Hi guys! Is there any tricks with QuizMaker to deduct by some points for an incorrect answer?
Articulate Quizmaker 13 years ago
By Justin Wilcox
Jim Hogan
I have previously created quizzes in Q2.3. When I change the font to a larger size in Quiz properties and save, no change occurs when I publish. Please help.
Articulate Quizmaker 13 years ago
By Justin Wilcox
Tom  Davenport
Is there a way to enlarge the Logo display area when you bring in your logo. Our Company has a logo with a tag line underneath then logo, but the tag line is a l...
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Justin Wilcox
Lisa Boesen
Hi - I'm evaluating Quizmaker, and I have question for the experts. I'm trying to create a quiz that serves as an educational game. The quiz has several gr...
Articulate Quizmaker 13 years ago
By Justin Wilcox
Malcolm Haynes
Hi, Is there any way to make sure a user views every slide. I don't want them to be able to complete the course without looking at every slide. I al...
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Sayuj Ravindran
Widya  Y
Hi guys, Is it possible to have more than 1 correct answers in multiple choice in QuizMaker? Thanks!
Articulate Quizmaker 13 years ago
By Widya Y
Mike McPhillips
Hi, I have a client who is interested in converting PPT presentations into Flash for distribution to their reps, with a few extra features available to the presenters....
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Mike McPhillips
Marty King
Can you change the color of the fill in the radio button when you select a question? Currently the color is light blue. One of my questions has a different backg...
Articulate Quizmaker 13 years ago
By Jeanette Brooks
Crisa McCarty
My template is black, grey and hot pink. I'd like the markers to be hot pink, but this is not an option. Is there a way to specify the marker color beyond those in the...
Articulate Engage 13 years ago
By Phil Mayor
Rebecca Mac
For the Labelled Graphic Is there a way to move the marker location around so I can place them specific places on my graphic? Thanks.
Articulate Engage 13 years ago
By Rebecca Mac
Cath P
Hi - I am just wondering if file location can affect functionality of FINISH button within Quizmaker? When I initially upgraded to '09 I had an issue with the qu...
Articulate Quizmaker 13 years ago
By Justin Wilcox
Holly Gaspar
Hello all, I have a course where I have used the attachment function in Articulate and also added a straight text hyperlink within a ppt slide text to link to a word d...
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Holly Gaspar
Yanetta Hiko
Hi there, I'm super super new to articulate I am adding questions in quizmaker. All of our questions are essay ones however I have a few 'Yes' 'No' questions.&n...
Articulate Quizmaker 13 years ago
By Yanetta Hiko
Michael Reid
Hi all Well although I really like the Articulate suite, I seem to be experiencing my fare share of trouble. Some, I'm sure, are due to my learning curve, but others s...
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Michael Reid