Last Post Replies
Kurtis Fafard
Does anyone know if there is a way to put an Engage creation into confluence? I am trying to make an interactive FAQ section with Engage that can be inserted into conf...
5 years ago
By Azwandi Aris
Terri Smith
I found the following re. Engage 360. Exporting Media Need to reuse your media in a different project? Easy. Engage lets you export media from a media tour interaction...
5 years ago
By Katie Smith
aditya khanna
The ultimate gains from the use of LMS for corporate training depend upon the existing IT infrastructure in the organization. LMS technology has proved its multidimens...
5 years ago
By aditya khanna
Megan palmer
Hey Everyone, Does anyone know how to increase the size of the zoom region explanation box? I have screens and documents that I need to explain field by field. Normal...
5 years ago
By Katie Riggio
Shari Simpson
Can someone please help me.  I need to change the thumbnails so that they show a few seconds in to the videos or even a different image if needed. The way it shows now...
5 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Kerrie Singer
Hello, We are using the Labeled Graphic interaction using Engage 360 and we would like the student to physically click on each marker before clicking to the next slid...
5 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Marty Simon
Haven't been able to locate a search function in the Engage (Studio 360) Glossary interaction. Am I missing the setting or does it just not exist? Thanks!
5 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Cliff Warrick
This is happening in both Engage and Quizmaker.  When I insert an image the main menu above the ribbon bar turns white and has red x across it (partially hidden by the...
5 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Aya Hafez
Hello everyone, I have been working in Storyline for quite some time and recently tried to use Engage. I am just wondering if Engage has the same player properties co...
5 years ago
By Aya Hafez
Antonia Scipioni
Hi there, i'm posting screen shots of a website as a guided image and the quality is very poor. I'm unable to change the font. Any tips? Thanks
5 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Tilottama Pillai
Hi There,  I am having some issues with my engage files not working properly once published on LMS.. the sound on the Image zoom file is not playing (it works fine in...
5 years ago
By Alyssa Gomez
Tonya Franklin
I've purchased only Engage (not the entire StoryLine bundle).  Am i able to insert an Engage file into PowerPoint....i don't see the option in the PowerPonit "Add In" ...
5 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Randy Elders
I can not start Engage from within Powerpoint.  When I try to create a new Engage interaction, I receive the following message:  Error: Unable to create an instance of...
5 years ago
By Katie Riggio
Lisa Simons
When I download engage examples from the elearning heros "download" section, I am unable to import them into my project. Storyline and 360 are looking for a file with...
5 years ago
By Tom Kuhlmann
Raban Weibel
Hi I have an Engage Interaction embeded in my Storyline. Now when I preview the the Interaction in Storyline, it works fine. But when I click on "Browser" or when I p...
5 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Jesse Kramer
Is there a way to make text superscript in Engage? I have a Registered trademark that I need to make superscripted. Thanks for any help. Jesse Kramer
5 years ago
By Crystal Horn
Tim Nassar
Hello, In the sticky note interaction, I have about 6 sticky notes on the board. I want the user to click on each of them and and go back to them after if they need to...
5 years ago
By Alyssa Gomez
Daniel Catrice
Hi, I'm new to Articulate and have started to trial Studio 360 (having successfully created courses in Rise).  I work for a government agency that has a strong emphasi...
5 years ago
By Melanie Sobie
Nathalie Bisgaard
Good afternoon, I have published an Engage file and try to upload the ZIP file into Moodle and keep having an error message: imsmanifest.xml or AICC structure Could...
5 years ago
By Alyssa Gomez
Jeff Plough
Hello! I've been asked to develop a presentation in a very short time frame and have been asked to include audio into it. I've never done this and am not finding any r...
5 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie