Product Last Post Replies
Dawn Rolph
Hi, I haven't used Storyline in nearly a year and a half. I remember having mic problems before and don't know how I got it fixed. Today, when I go to record screen, i...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Arnov S
I have a created a question bank in Articulate Storyline which on sent to LMS generates a random Question Identifier. Is there a way to incorporate naming conventions ...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Claudio Rosinol-Conforti
I was wondering if I can create a new presentation using any of the files available in the Output folder, after you publish the content. I do not have the original .st...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Claudio Rosinol-Conforti
Melissa May
I have a project Scene 1 - Welcome Scene Scene 2 - Menu Slide Scene 3 - Option 1 Scene 4 - Option 2 Scene 5 - Option 3 Scene 6 - Certificate I want to be able t...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Rebecca Goia
Hi, Can anyone help with this issue. I can't open any Storyline file. I keep getting this error message (see attached). I updated my flash and I still get the message...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Ravindra Gardi
1. Sound doesn’t work for certain users, to fix we have to pause, mute, unpause, unmute for the sound to come through. 2. Slides were freezing i.e. not loading all th...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Luci Mello
Hi, I am building several training modules for the candidates of faculty positions at the institution I work for. Because the audience includes candidates (applying fo...
Articulate Quizmaker almost 8 years ago
By Luci Mello
Patrick Cross
I have read the other threads on this subject but have not found an answer to this issue. I am linking to PDFs using triggers and hyperlinks, having them open in a new...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Mike Smith
Hi, I'm sure this must have been brought up somewhere on the forums, but I can't find it. The text in the Notes tab in the player looks blurred. Can anyone give me any...
Articulate Presenter almost 8 years ago
By Deborah Roberts
Ruth Negus
We would like to use the Freeform Quiz Question/Response as a Survey.  Please help me determine how to view the submitted results for each contributor.
Articulate Quizmaker almost 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Emil Heidkamp
Hello, I am doing a comparison of the PowerPoint import capabilities for Articulate Storyline 2 versus another e-learning authoring tool. The other tool imports all ...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Matthew Mason
Hi, I'm building a course where there are a number of additional files (resources) we want users to open and view. Currently most of the resources download and sit at...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
GiGi TiTi
I was using one of Tom’s awesome templates, and in his published example, he has the player menu hidden by default, but the user can make it appear by clicking the men...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Sharon Huston
I recently made a very simple inventory system as a proof of concept, and thought I would pass it on.  It's worth stressing this is a VERY SIMPLE system. If you want m...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Ben Kanspedos
I need to search for all hyperlinks within my .Story files so I can update many of them. The standard Storyline search does not search that actual hyperlinks. For exam...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Jason page
I am trying to set up a four button junction within a training, with each button disappearing once clicked and no longer being available once the trainee returns to th...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Amber Davis
Anyone experiencing delays in Articulate Storyline 2? 
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Donatus Uzoho
Can one copy a Replay object and paste it on a different track or on the same track? Assuming I have an object and I want to edit it, such that, I cut it into 3 diffe...
Articulate Replay almost 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Keigo Ryuno
I created course(include some slides and quizzes) in Stroyline2 with SCORM1.2. When I resume the course, status turned "Failed" either reached the quiz slide or not. I...
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
keshav soni
Hi, In a slide, i want to add the buttons other than previous, next or submit. Can i add others? Atleast can I customise the ones that are available? Thanks in advance!
Articulate Storyline almost 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard