Product Last Post Replies
Christopher Apmann
Hello, I  am looking for a solution to a problem and am hoping someone can assist. I am trying to create a drag and drop quiz in Articulate Quizmaker 13. I have a pi...
Articulate Quizmaker 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Ellen Rose
Help!  I'm working in Studio 13.  I'm trying to create an interaction with 9 small images on the slide and want the user to select each image and receive feedback/info...
Articulate Engage 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Yessicca Fargas
I have a presentation in Articulate Studio that have engagements attached.  When I published my presentation into a Word document, the engagements slides didn't publis...
Articulate Engage 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
s r
Hi Everyone,   Is it possible for the learner to have a "notes" section within a course where they could type notes? They had it in the last course building software...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Sonya Flanders
Hi! I was working on adjusting timing of the entrance animations for some of my objects in storyline 2, and suddenly the entrance animation timing started running auto...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Yessicca Fargas
Hi! I have Articulate Studio '13. I'm designing a compliance module that have 4 chapters. I want to make a test/quiz/exam in every chapter (no more than 3 questions) s...
Articulate Quizmaker 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Edward Schwartz
I bought a new computer and installed Storyline 1 on it. When I open the program the entire screen including ribbon and everything is shrunk so I can't work with it. I...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Jessica Chandler
Hello,  I changed the coding in my story.html file to include background music and it works great. The only issue I am having is with how loud it is. Is there any add...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Logan Pytyl
Everything opens fine when I open a .story file, however when I try to open Articulate Storyline by opening the actual storyline-2 app, it will always take me to the u...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Whitney Lowe
I am having trouble with what should be a very simple interaction. We have a slide that poses a scenario with 2 different options. If users pick the first option we wa...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Whitney Lowe
JoElla B
Hi,  here's the situation.  I've seen similar posts but now can't find them - anyway, no resolution was shown.  Any help is appreciated! Learner takes test (quiz bank...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Aida Debibi
Hello, Would it be possible to display a popup or an alert in case of inactivity of the learner beyond 10 min ? I'm using scorm2004. Thanks. Aida  
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Crystal Horn
Mohammed Abbas
Hi Team, i have created one project on storyline and it was great experience . i have launched it on my desktop and it was fine as well as on my Iphone 6. however ,...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Crystal Horn
Ben Mueller
Over the years, we’ve had a bizarre issue with Articulate Studio (first with 09, and now with 13), and I wondered if anybody else was having the same issue.  Every so ...
Articulate Presenter 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Mark Fernley
Hi, I can't seem to remove the bolding from a bullet number list. Any suggestions? Nothing else on the slide is bolded. Thanks, Mark
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Amanda Keddington
HELP! I created a course using articulate storyline that is a very simple course. I have made close to 300 of these same courses but for some reason I cannot get this ...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Ted Cape
Is anybody as frustrated as I am by the close to useless undo button in Storyline? At some random point, deep into a project, the undo button stops functioning .. or, ...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Orla Stanley
has any one used the storylines they created on mobile devices such as iPad and phone? Thanks Orla
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Crystal Horn
Helen Jex
Hi I posted the below question yesterday, with no success. Can anyone help me - the company aren't happy loading the course until I can work out why it is showing a 0%...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
David Emmett
I have just updated Storyline 2 to the latest version 9: 1605.1919 - and now the program locks on closing a story and on opening another file. I am using Storyline on ...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard