Product Last Post Replies
Julie Humphrey
Hi, Does anybody know if it is possible to delete the Articulate Submit button on slides that are part of a question bank? I've created my own Submit button which has ...
Articulate Storyline 12 years ago
By Julie Humphrey
James Brandwood
Interestingly, when I preview or publish my current module the first bullet point in any list disapears - the formatting stays, with it indented to match the rest of t...
Articulate Presenter 12 years ago
By James Brandwood
Gonzalo Rosetti
I started my query under Tutorials/ Adding and Editing Triggers: Posted 1 hour ago Hi there! I am trying to avoid the RESOURCES tab, but still want my students to d...
Articulate Storyline 12 years ago
By David Anderson
Maddy P
Hi I have this error on one of my file. When I publish toward the end when it crash my articulate and caused this AP6.exe error. I have a total of 121 pages in the cou...
Articulate Presenter 12 years ago
By Peter Anderson
Allie Marino
I posted recently trying to reconcile an issue with play size in my LMS.  I was linked in to the html file and it was creating a problematic functionality issue.  My s...
Articulate Quizmaker 12 years ago
By Allie Marino
Lionel Chan
Hi all, I just created my first Storyline iPad presentation, very impressed.  Just one thing, I can't seem to make my slide go to Full Screen mode.  In fact none of th...
Articulate Storyline 12 years ago
By Lionel Chan
mushfiq rahman
Hi all, I'm a new Quizmaker user. Recently purchased it to create lessons on grammar. I'm only using QM and producing CDs only. My question is very specific. There's a...
Articulate Quizmaker 12 years ago
By mushfiq rahman
Daniela Schiano di Cola
Hi everyone, I'm trying to create a sequence activity with Right-to-Left language and it's not appearing when I publish preview. The text appears fine when I input it ...
Articulate Storyline 12 years ago
By Bruce Graham
Bruce Cameron
I now have several versions of the same course in my library and want to delete all but the current one.  How do you get things out of the iPad player library?
Articulate Storyline 12 years ago
By Phil Mayor
lamar lamar
Hello, one of our clients has created a articulate project with Powerpoint 2003 on Windows XP. when we have to rework something and open the project with Office2010 ...
Articulate Presenter 12 years ago
By Peter Anderson
Mark Vause
Does anyone know if it's it possible to have slide layers in a layout that can be modified in slide view? For example, each of my slides has a video layer and a summa...
Articulate Storyline 12 years ago
By Mark Vause
Joshua DeLeon
I selected  the freeform question and picked "Pick Many". I added a little check box on the corner so that wehn the user clicks the shape they know when it is picked. ...
Articulate Storyline 12 years ago
By Phil Mayor
Bret Deardorff
This question is based on Jeanette's screenr found here I am wanting to create a drag and drop interaction like Jeanette's w...
Articulate Storyline 12 years ago
By Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro
Michael Whatley
Hello, Does anyone know of a website that allows you to create custom avatars similar to those in Storyline?  I'm looking to have about 15-20 created for each of our t...
Articulate Storyline 12 years ago
By Jill McNair
Belen Casado
Hi, I had a demo prepared in Presenter, 10 slides, 5 of them inside Quizzmaker. Then I started the same demo in Storyline. Of course it has 'more': layers, triggers, a...
Articulate Storyline 12 years ago
By Nancy Woinoski
David Tyler
Hello Articulate friends, I am making some training specifically designed for iPad and iPhone use. I have all of the player skin minimized and want to make my own big ...
Articulate Storyline 12 years ago
By Phil Mayor
James  Kocher
So I made a redesign of a website that one of our programs uses with its students. The site is poorly constructed and not very useful
Articulate Storyline 12 years ago
By James Kocher
Susan  Parnell
Hello, Having problems publishing to word - it freezes on ' preparing title page'. I shorted the name of the file but it still doesn't work. Any suggestions? Thanks
Articulate Presenter 12 years ago
By Scott Johnson
Michael Savio
Hi All, I'm a newbie so please bear with me.  I had a couple of questions: First, is there a way to remove the attachments button in the upper right corner of the pres...
Articulate Presenter 12 years ago
By Michael Bane
Aaron Briggs
Hi all - I'm a former instructional designer who's moved into the product management side of things. My company, HealthTeacher, builds interactive tools designed to he...
Articulate Storyline 12 years ago
By Gertrude Mandeville