Product Last Post Replies
Denise Michaud
Has anyone had success with ipad/chrome in Tin Can?  I am unable to run the course with sound.  I first contacted our LMS IT dept (Absorb) to see if the issue is a res...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Ali Goulet
roma kohutiak
hope someone can help i change the html5 file to add video content for a background and save. then i re-zip the story file tempshare won't accept my new zipped vers...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Ali Goulet
Terry Springer
I'm using the JAWS 16 with Internet Explorer 11 and the latest version of Storyline 2. JAWS is tabbing multiple choice questions out of order. Here's what's happening:...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Terry Springer
Constantine Milas
Hi. Once I publish the document, I notice the player buttons lose their alignment. Originally centered, they fall flush right. Any hints, please? Thanks.
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Constantine Milas
Rolf Benninger
Hello, I publish a Storyline eLearning to LMS using SCORM 1.2. The engineer on the LMS site asked me to set the language tag to "English" (I will also publish a German...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Kate Robertson
I am hoping someone might be able to help me - I have a course which I have published to LMS (AICC) and uploaded to Blackboard. It tracks as in progress or complete on...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Christie Pollick
Gene Palocsko
After I installed the Articulate 13 update every time I open a powerpoint file (or any of the products in the suite) Articulate wants me to activate & register my ...
Articulate Presenter 8 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
lisa anne
Hi, I have a table with a lot of elements in it. I have grouped it and now I want to insert it into the scrolling panel. I am not being able to do that. The table is ...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By lisa anne
Lilian Sigl
Hi, I have a quiz with 7 questions drawing randomly from a question bank (using Articulate Storyline 2). I want the feedback (correct / incorrect) to be shown after ...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Wendy Farmer
Fred Volkman
I am an instructional designer who designs many quizes without inserting Quiz slides.  I am accomplishing this with having the user select a box or circle and "selecti...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Walt Hamilton
Rezi Tkemaladze
Hello,  I'm looking for an easy way to track quiz scores for about 50 learners who are going to be taking a course. I came across "Allow user to email results to ..."...
Articulate Quizmaker 8 years ago
By Rezi Tkemaladze
Huw Williams
Does anybody know if you can insert different notes to each layer section?  When I replace the original notes in a layer,  the 'new' notes override all layers. What ha...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Kevin Thompson
Jessica Takata
Hi, The Player Menu navigation is set to "Free," but when published, clicking on the titles still won't allow the user to move to that section in the module. They don'...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Walt Hamilton
Joe DiDiego
With Apple's decision to no longer support updates to QuickTime on Windows the US government posted the following announcement advising users to uninstall the QuickTim...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Joe DiDiego
Luke Dessauer
Is there any way I can restrict the resources to view only? I do not want the participants to download any of the resources, just view. The resources are pdfs.
Articulate Presenter 8 years ago
By Luke Dessauer
Linda Isaacson
What I'm seeing is that our LMS shows completed even if a quiz was not passed at the pass rate set in the system.  Is there something that I should be setting to send...
Articulate Quizmaker 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Sarah Wilder
I am using Articulate 2009 software and can't seem to view any of my presentations on a mobile device. Is there a setting that can be changed, or is mobile access only...
Articulate Presenter 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Lora Alston
Hi. I wanted to see if there is anything we can do to have the storyline projects report back to our LMS with more detail? Currently, it only reports if someone opens ...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Steve Flowers
Amanda Green
Hey! I have a project where on slide 1.9 I have multiple audio files. I have a main intro audio and then I have it where you click on the hotspots, other audio files ...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Wendy Farmer
marwa algamal
when I'm going to preview my entire project before publishing it , a message appear after a while of loading says that there is a problem and I can't preview the entir...
Articulate Storyline 8 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie