Product Last Post Replies
Denise Wilson
Good afternoon everyone.  I have a menu in my Presenter presentation where if you choose to, you can click on a link to run a captivate demonstration. I can live with ...
Articulate Presenter over 12 years ago
By Denise Wilson
Alex Turcotte
Hello all, Is there a way for a user to search for a string of text (see attached jpg as an example). If so, what should be the set-up of my glossary? Alex
Articulate Engage over 12 years ago
By Dwayne Schamp
Josh Miller
Hi everyone, I've been using Articulate for a few years now and love it... I used to have no issues with it on my XP system but now with our forced migration to Window...
Articulate Presenter over 12 years ago
By Josh Miller
George Blomgren
I recorded a bunch of audio files in Soundbooth and went to import them intio Articulate. The result sounds like a bad industrial noise band. Is there a known compatib...
Articulate Presenter over 12 years ago
By David Fudge
Jim Smith
I have a tabs interaction in the program I am developing and I do not want the user to have to access every tab before they can advance to the next slide.  Is there a ...
Articulate Engage over 12 years ago
By Brian Batt
Justin R
Hi all, I really hoping you guys can help me out with the issue Im experiencing... I put together a small PPT and have included an embedded youtube video via web obje...
Articulate Presenter over 12 years ago
By Brian Batt
Jon DeMartino
Is it possible to have a tab appear only after a certain point in the presentaion?
Articulate Presenter over 12 years ago
By Brian Batt
Hi, we created a ppta presentation with voice over ppt. When we are publishing the file in WEB format the voice quality, I mean the volume goes down drastically. Pleas...
Articulate Presenter over 12 years ago
By Brian Batt
Sherry Larson
I am in the process of localizing a Learning Game to Thai, but I am not having much success.  I can change the question, answer and feedback text, but I have yet to di...
Articulate Presenter over 12 years ago
By Brian Batt
Bridget Brown
Okay Heroes - here's one for you. I have a Flash video that I am putting in an image of the screen of a laptop which is set back on in the screen.  After the subject s...
Articulate Presenter over 12 years ago
By Bridget Brown
Norma Kaplan
Hi, I want to print the questions that I created in the quizzes for my use.  I do compose them on the fly. Thanks, Norma
Articulate Quizmaker over 12 years ago
By Norma Kaplan
Mary Cowser
In previous versions of Presenter I have been able to update one slide, save as a separate PPT,publish the one slideand then swap out the swf file in the data folder. ...
Articulate Presenter over 12 years ago
By Oliver Stankovsky
TJ Palazzolo
This one's a bit hard to explain. Our course is configured to use slide-specific presenters. When the course first launches, the first presenter's photo displays for 1...
Articulate Presenter over 12 years ago
By Brian Batt
Larry Brook
They say no question is too dumb! Well, there is always a first... I have been asked by my corporate recruiter to send her an example of my Articulate work, but since ...
Articulate Presenter over 12 years ago
By Brian Batt
Bob Zimel
1)  When I publish with articulate for the web, with highest quality graphics, then view it, the quaity of the text and graphics looks splendid.  When other people (wi...
Articulate Presenter over 12 years ago
By Brian Batt
Greg Custer
I've done everything right (I believe) in Quz and Presenter to indicate when a lesson should be marked as 'completed' but once uploaded to my LMS (Inquisiqr3) my lesso...
Articulate Presenter over 12 years ago
By Brian Batt
PBC Online Team
Recently, when we have been publishing files from presenter to LMS it has created a duplicate file folder that is blank. This can get confusing and we have to go back ...
Articulate Presenter over 12 years ago
By Brian Batt
I am trying to crop a video using Articulate Encoder (tried both a SWF and MP4 file), but the video is distorted so I can't effectively crop it.  The video looks like ...
Articulate Presenter over 12 years ago
By Brian Batt
Denise Wilson
Hello. I searched the forums a bit but couldnt find my issue anywhere so am posting. Apologies if its here and I just didn't see it. I have a Presenter project.  In se...
Articulate Presenter over 12 years ago
By Denise Wilson
Derek Rohde
Good morning, I am having some trouble with “resume” or bookmarking functionality.  My module is 2 hours and 140 slides.   The resume works fine in the beginning, howe...
Articulate Presenter over 12 years ago
By Oliver Stankovsky