Product Last Post Replies
Janet Samuels
I've published several storyline projects on our LMS (Moodle) for my students.  I've started getting emails that certain buttons and items don't work (for example, I h...
Articulate Storyline almost 10 years ago
By Emily Ruby
Artur Querino
When I make a catch in there moving the mouse or scroll a web page, for example. On display in HTML5 these movements do not appear. Only flash output is correct. This ...
Articulate Storyline almost 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Efrat Maor
Hi, Since some of the feedbacks are a bit longer, I changed the master slide and made the boxes bigger\higher. I adjusted the layout slides underneath, so the title ap...
Articulate Storyline almost 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Courtney Saphier
I have a main menu slide that contains 6 layers. Once a specific layer is chosen via clicking on its corresponding tab, it takes the user down a branch of slides on th...
Articulate Storyline almost 10 years ago
By Courtney Saphier
Paolo Pini
Hello Attached is a slide I've created. I'm trying to get the 3 yellow memos to the bottom left of the screen to 'move' one at a time to their correct location on the ...
Articulate Storyline almost 10 years ago
By Seth Ozen
Vonetta Booker
As a Storyline beginner, I've started the e-challenges as a way to hone my skills. I just finished the first one & would love to post it & get some feedback, ...
Articulate Storyline almost 10 years ago
By Vonetta Booker
Jim Powell
I made some updates to some quizzes, but instead of being where I thought I'd updated them, they end up in a "roaming directory" with an incredibly long file name.
Articulate Quizmaker almost 10 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Jim Powell
Some pptx file I open suddenly say "read only" at the top. The file attribute in properties is not read-only The directory is not read-only When I save-as to a new...
Articulate Presenter almost 10 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Suri i
Hi! I have got a problem with my test. I must do test with using multilpe choice. It's not hard but problem is adding points. I must do this things: Count l point fo...
Articulate Storyline almost 10 years ago
By Emily Ruby
Shaun Jackson
Hi all, new to Articulate so please be patient with me. A scan of other articles hasn't given me any real insight in to this question. We want to incorporate a Short ...
Articulate Storyline almost 10 years ago
By Emily Ruby
Hi, sorry i am new in Storyline and searched for a solution but couldn't find one. Is there any chance we can change the menu (not the player)?
Articulate Storyline almost 10 years ago
By Emily Ruby
Kevin Dowd
Hello, I've published a course in storyline (from my desktop to my desktop). The course is filled with hyperlinks, and whether or not they work is highly inconsisten...
Articulate Storyline almost 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
Jim Powell
I sometimes work on my desktop and then copy content over to the laptop when I'm on the road and then back again when I get home. I'm getting tripped up by this "roami...
Articulate Presenter almost 10 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Jim Powell
I am trying to publish a presentation I've published dozens of times before. I'm NOW upgraded to the july 21st version and this particular file (and others too, but n...
Articulate Presenter almost 10 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Chris Pim
Can anyone help? I have a multiple drag and drop activity with no correct answers. So a user can drop any draggable item on any droppable area (so it snaps to the dro...
Articulate Storyline almost 10 years ago
By Emily Ruby
Janet Bernhards
Hi, I used the the method in Tom's screenr video to download and install fonts (right clicked on install after download). I don't think I was 100% successful, as they ...
Articulate Presenter almost 10 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Jacob Selin
Hi. A customer of mine has created a big course in Articulate Storyline. The course is now published in.swf and .zip However, the projectfile is no longer availa...
Articulate Storyline almost 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
BJ Campbell
Looking for a site that allows free hosting of elearning modules. Need to launch several interactive storyline eLearning courses. Any suggestions and guidance? Tha...
Articulate Storyline almost 10 years ago
By Eoghan O'Maolain
Annette Bond
My organization currently has two licenses for Articulate Studio '09. The license in my name is installed on my desk computer and in a conference room I use when reco...
Articulate Presenter almost 10 years ago
By Leslie McKerchie
Danielle Wallace
I am trying to change the stage of the character to move when the learner puts the dragged item on just a small portion of the target (in this case the computer monito...
Articulate Storyline almost 10 years ago
By Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard