Record and Share Your Own E-Learning Stock Videos #166

DIY Stock Videos in E-Learning #166: Challenge Recap

Stock graphics, characters, images, backgrounds, icons, and videos are a great resource for e-learning designers looking to save time and money during course production. 

Sometimes stock graphics get a bad rap because they can be too generic or disconnected from the rest of the visuals in the course. That’s fair. The trick is having stock footage that’s related to your projects. If you can’t find the stock you need, you might just have to create it. And that’s what this week’s challenge is all about!

Challenge of the Week

This week, your challenge is to record one or more short, looping video clips to use in e-learning. You can share images of people, places, objects, or anything you think will be useful.

BONUS IDEA: If you’re up for it, build a simple slide or interaction to show how your videos would be used.

Resources and Related Challenges

Looking for topics and ideas for stock videos? Check out the previous DIY graphics and photo challenges:

Sharing Your E-Learning Stock Videos

You can share your e-learning graphics and photos any way you like. Dropbox and Google Drive are great options.

You can use our Dropbox file request link to send your zipped output: Please include your first and last name and challenge number in the file name:

New to the E-Learning Challenges?

The weekly e-learning challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.

Need Help Hosting Your Projects?

You can use our Dropbox file request link to send me your zipped output: Please include your first and last name and challenge number in the file name:

David D
Alexander Salas
Nancy Woinoski
Kate Golomshtok
Niyeda Suliveres
Richa Jain
Tracy Carroll